3 Mistakes Men Make That Force Women To Put Them In The Friend Zone
There are reasons why women friend-zone men. Some simple actions can make a woman friend zone you without your knowledge. You need to know how to deal with a woman to stop her from taking you as a friend when you wish to date her. The small acts can change the way she thinks about you for the rest of her life.
Here are three mistakes men make that force women to put them in the friend zone .
1. Being too nice
Sometimes it is not recommended to be too nice. A good number of women are likely to take you for granted because of this nature. It is advisable to be real whenever you are dealing with a woman you are interested in. Don’t agree to everything she says or does just because you want to impress her. Be real and give your genuine opinions when dealing with her.
2. Being too available
Do not be too available when trying to woo a woman. It is wise to be busy at time s. Most women tend to think men who are always available are desperate. A woman is likely to take you for granted if she notices you are always available, and this will make her assume that you don’t have serious things to do in your life.
3. Not making a move
Never take too long to make a move when you are interested in a woman. Failing to make a move will cause her to friend zone you because she will assume that you are not interested in her.
I guess this is true. My best friend had a long time suitor but she never said yes because apparently she finds the guy “too nice”
Personally, I agree with you that it’s awful to meet a guy who just agrees to everything we say.
I will share this post with my two sons. I think they should work on that “always available” thing. I don’t want to see them flying out of the house with the slightest whimper from their girlfriends.
As a female I have to say the best thing to be is yourself. It’s when men take too much advice from others, especially from other men that they tend to mess up. Being too nice isn’t a flaw, that’s what attracted me to my husband.
HAHHAHAHHA! I agree with all of this! Sometimes man they do the things to pressure women in relationship I felt that so I do friendzone them Lol!
Lol Maysz
It’s very interesting as a woman reading these tips by a man put together for other men. Don’t know if I agree, but it’s certainly very interesting.
I totally agree I once had a boyfriend and I only had to say that was nice or just mention something when talking and he would offer to buy it for me. Made me totally go the other way and ended it.
being your self and having boundaries is important in any relationship
Agree. In addition to your points, I guess, just be your authentic self and let her know how you feel, and see what happens.