Who Gives Admission, Jamb or School?

There is this frequent question on who gives admission, school or jamb, and in this article, we want to give a succinct answer on who gives admission, jamb or school.

Before a student is given admission through JAMB into any university, there are several processes it takes. But to answer the question, we would say it’s both the school and jamb that gives admission .

Nonetheless, you may have a contrary view but we have in our previous All About Jamb Caps Admission Process explain the admission process step by step.

Nevertheless, let’s quickly summarize the admission process so you would know the participation of jamb in the admission process.

Admission Process Through Jamb

Depending on your first choice institution, when jamb examination is completed, the result of all candidates is forwarded to the first choice institutions.

It is with this list that the institutions release her cut off marks. The cut-off mark for most universities is 180.

Nevertheless, there are some universities like UNIBEN whose cut off mark never go below 200. This isn’t pride, it’s only because of the number of students applying for UNIBEN and exceeded 200 in their UTME examination.

After which, students that meet their school cut off marks proceed to buy their institutions Post UTME or internal exam form.

When the internal exam is taken, the results are sent to JAMB for record purposes and JAMB will request from the school the various departmental cut off marks.

Furthermore, with the admission criteria sent to JAMB by the institutions, the names of successful candidates are sent to school for consideration.

READ MORE:  JAMB releases Candidate results after scrutiny

Please note that it is from this list that the school will give admission. It cannot be from outside the list.

Thereafter, the school will compile the list of admitted candidates and send it to JAMB for JAMB to verify and upload the list. The names of admitted students must tally with the names sent to school by JAMB .

At this point, if the names tally, JAMB will upload the names on JAMB CAPS and request candidates to either accept or reject the admission. However, if the names do not tally, JAMB will reject the list back to school till it is corrected.

This is why the question who gives admission, school or JAMB cannot be clearly answered because both bodies are involved in the admission process.

The school can’t give admission outside the list of proposed students sent to them by Jamb for consideration.

Who Gives Admission

With the explanation given above, this question can be clearly answered by you.

The institution gives admission but JAMB moderates the process to ensure it’s free and fair.

This is one reason I always try to warn people searching for who will help them earn or gain admission into some universities by paying money. Considering the Admission Process, I believe it is wise to have a rethink of such action.


Candidates often ask the question and let us answer this once and for all.

Firstly, I don’t think you can ever be given admission by the school if your name is not on the list of proposed candidates by JAMB.

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Secondly, if the school should give you admission, you still need the JAMB Admission Letter to be cleared by the school in their internal clearance.

In some schools like UI, you won’t be cleared if you don’t have your jamb admission letter.

On the other hand, if JAMB should give you admission and you accept the admission, it is the same list that will be sent to the school and must be uploaded by the school.

However, this doesn’t suggest that JAMB admission is superior cause they all have their various roles when it comes to the admission process.

NOTE: Over the first few years when the JAMB CAPS was introduced, there were issues of candidates getting admitted by JAMB CAPS and the schools refused to accept such students. Such issues have been resolved.

Once you are admitted by JAMB CAPS and you accept the admission, you will surely be accepted by the school if you have the required documents.

Thus from this article, we believe we have been able to clearly explain the admission process and the role of various parties involved.

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