What You Should Know Before You Apply For HND Programme

Higher national diploma popularly know as HND today is the highest certificate issued in Nigeria polytechnics and most students always seems to go for HND or direct entry after completing National diploma.

To all National diploma out there that wish to further their education to the hnd level, we have some important point that may be useful to you.

Here are few things you should know about HND.

1. Course selection

The course you study in ND must also be the same course you must apply for in HND level.

If you study banking, you cannot change to business admin in your Hnd Level.

You will need to continue building on the foundation you have laid from ND1.

2. Academic Transcript

You need to be informed that your Transcript will be required before you can be considered for Admission and it’s always advisable to include it in the period of the registration.

3. 1 year compulsory IT

To apply for HND there is need for you to complete your 1 year IT and failure to do do will lead to termination of admission.

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Your 1 IT must be completed before the school grant you admission.

These practice has been in existence for many years now and polytechnics frown at those who tries to manipulate the set policy.

4. Duration

HND programme will take 4 semester i.e 2 years for all courses.

5. HND Conversion to Bsc

After completing your hnd programme, you can convert your result Bsc by enrolling in a 2 years programme offered by some university.

6. JOB

Despite the economic hardship and increasing unemployment, there are many jobs out there open to Hnd graduates and you can always compete with BSC holder.

Our educational system might have lost it’s value in the present compare to how it was valued in the past.

It’s often stated that Bsc is greater or has a better value compare to HND.

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The rate of unemployment does not favour any of this certificate holders now.

It’s quite sad looking at the number of years invested in obtaining a higher national diploma HND and BSC.

The good news is that the Nigeria of today encourage self capability and abilities and you are not limited to only the certificate you carry.

You can go higher and higher regardless of the certificate you carry and there is need for your to invest in yourself in order to outplay others competing in the same Rail with you.