What to Say to a Girl If She Tells Me She Doesn’t Have a Boyfriend After I Assume That She Has One?
You have found the perfect girl, and you think that she might even like you back. The only initial problem is that you think that she has a boyfriend. Then, you discover that your assumption was totally wrong. She does not actually have a boyfriend, but you never made a move because you assumed that she did. Was she deliberately trying to mislead you because she was not interested? Or did she correct your assumption because she likes you?
What to Say to a Girl If She Tells Me She Doesn’t Have a Boyfriend After I Assume That She Has One?
There are two main things that could be going on, so you will have to consider your exact situation to figure out which option is happening. The first potential cause of this behavior is that she wanted you to think that she had a boyfriend. She may have given you the impression that she was taken so that you would not hit on her, and she would not have to directly turn you down.
She may have also wanted you to think that she had a boyfriend because she automatically does that to every guy. Many girls get hit on all the time, so she may just automatically act like she has a boyfriend so that she doesn’t get hit on. If this is the case, she may have told you that she does not have a boyfriend now because she thinks that you have potential. She wants to encourage you to make a move by letting you know that she is single.
The other reason why you might make this assumption is because you were just in error. You may have just assumed because of the way she talks about a friend that he is her boyfriend. The good news is that she might be interested in you. She did not have to tell you that she is single if she only wanted to be friends with you. If she went out of her way to let you know that she does not have a boyfriend, then you definitely have a shot.
You really have to consider the exact circumstances to figure out what is going on. For example, did you find out that she is single because she told you directly or did someone else tell you? If she went out of her way to tell you that she is single, then there is an excellent chance that she is trying to nudge you into asking her out. If you asked her or you found out by chance, then it might not mean anything at all.
What Should You Do Now?
First, you have to figure out why you assumed that she has a boyfriend and why she told you that she is actually single. If you just assumed that she was taken and she directly told you that she is single, then there is an excellent chance that she is trying to hint that she is interested in you. You don’t have to ask her out right away, but it definitely looks like there is a possibility that you two could eventually date.
If she deliberately gave you the impression that she has a boyfriend and you found out from someone else that she is single, she was probably trying to warn you off. Some (actually, most) women do not like having to reject someone who asks them out. If she deliberately made you assume that she is taken, then she may be trying to give you a hint that she is not interested in having a relationship with you. If this is the case, back off and move on. There is no point in pursuing someone who does not like you, and her fake boyfriend was just a way for her to let you down easy.
The hardest part is figuring out what to do when the circumstances are not exactly clear. Perhaps you assumed that she had a boyfriend because of how she acted, and it just happened to come up in conversation that she was single. In this case, there might not be any explanation for her behavior. The assumption was just yours, and she only let you know that she was single because she is, in fact, single. She could like you, or she might not be interested. Unless you are feeling confident enough to ask her out anyway, you might want to keep talking to her and see where things go.
You can judge her feelings by the rest of her behavior. Does she like being around you? Does she go out of her way to talk to you? If she seems like she likes you, keep talking to her and see what happens. You never know—she could be interested in you and is just afraid to make a move!