What A Woman Wants In A Man (Expert Lists)

What A Woman Wants In A Man

Most time we think what women want is difficult to know, however, they are usually obvious just that men don’t pay attention. You already have what a woman needs, you just have to be aware and display the traits. In this article, you will know these things women want that many men are not aware of.

1. She wants you to be independent

Being independent means you can make a decision and stand by it. This means you don’t need any attention to feel relevant. Catering for yourself is one side of being independent, it also means being able to be yourself. Women want you to be independent as a man.

2. She wants you to be positive

A woman wants you to stay positive despite life’s challenges. Being fearful of the future is a turn-off for women. She wants you to put a smile on her face even when the going gets tough. A woman knows as a man, you should be stronger.


3. She wants you to know how to communicate

The importance of communication in a relationship cannot be overemphasized. To communicate appropriately, you should learn to be a good listener. When you have listened to her attentively, you will be able to communicate rightly.

4. She wants you to be intelligent

When was the last time you read a book? A man that’s not informed cannot be transformed. How knowledgeable you are is always seen when you give a perspective on a topic. Women don’t want you to be dull. A woman wants her man to be intelligent.

5. She wants you to have a sense of humor

A Woman Wants a man that can make her laugh. Don’t take things too seriously. See the funny part of life. Learn to make her laugh.

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6. She wants you to be ambitious

A woman won’t like it if she’s your primary focus in life. She wants you to pursue your purpose. When wants to see you work hard in realizing your dreams. So, don’t be complacent, begin to pursue your dreams.