Tony Uranta Biography: 7 Things You Should Know About The Human Rights Activist

Executive Secretary of the Nigeria National Summit Group (NNSG), Tony Uranta has died after long battle with ill-health.

Here things you should know about the human rights activist, Tony Uranta

Tony Uranta Profile Death And Wife
Tony Uranta
  1. An Activist and fierce critic, Uranta, was a former member of the Presidential Committee on National Conference.
  2. He died at the age of 57.
  3. Uranta dies after a protracted illness.
  4. He was the executive secretary of United Niger Delta Energy Development Security Strategy (UNDEDSS)
  5. Uranta was a member, Federal Government’s Technical Committee on Niger Delta; and Executive Secretary, Pan-Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF).
  6. Uranta, who attended the University of Ibadan.
  7. He is survived by his wife Baarong Uranta, a sport analyst with Channels Television.
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One thought on “Tony Uranta Biography: 7 Things You Should Know About The Human Rights Activist

  1. Kindly read the above piece of news about Tony Uranta again.

    How come his age is said to be 57 and at the same time he attended the University of Ibadan in 1972? Was he 2 years old when he attended the university?

    It is either the age there in is wrong or the date of university attendance is wrong. Kindly do the needful to correct this.

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