6 Things We Cannot See and Touch But Exists

Even though certain objects are unseen to us in everyday life, we are nevertheless in constant contact with them. Check out this guide’s list of objects that are invisible to the human eye below.

Things We Cannot See With Our Eyes

Many things in the world are hidden from view from humankind. Often, we are unable to see these things. Air, for instance, is imperceptible to the human senses. In a similar vein, sound is what our eyes cannot see. Although we cannot see where sounds are originating from, we can hear speech, music, and animal sounds.

Even the planets, galaxies, and stars are too far away for us to view clearly without the aid of telescopes and other scientific equipment. Even though we cannot directly observe dark matter or dark energy, they are nevertheless considered unseen substances in science.

Black Holes

When the sky is clear, we can see millions of stars, but not precisely. This is because each of these celestial bodies produces light. But other celestial bodies in our Milky Way galaxy—an estimated ten million to a billion—are invisible to our sight because of the darkness.

Black holes, on the other hand, absorb light and prevent it from passing through. Due to their tremendous density, black holes are impervious to light. Black holes are impossible to detect, not even with today’s most sophisticated instruments and technologies.

UV and infrared light

We already know that the sunshine we see is composed of seven different hues. Since electromagnetic radiation makes up light, every hue in light has a certain wavelength. For the human eye to see, only wavelengths between 380 and 700 nanometers are visible.

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There is no radiation or light seen on either side of this zone. Beyond being invisible to humans, light waves with wavelengths of less than 380 nm and higher than 700 nm in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum can also represent a risk to human health if prolonged exposure occurs.


Even in the absence of food and water, humans may live for a few days, but we cannot endure more than a few minutes without oxygen. Considering that we cannot see the air we breathe. We can feel it, store it, and even move it around even though we cannot see it.

The air is a mixture of gases that are only observable in extreme cold and high pressure. The main gases in the air are nitrogen and oxygen. The reality that we are still blind to something that is so vital to our life.


Waves and radiation are the basis of contemporary communication. We start and conclude our days with our cell phones. We use microwaves for cooking, radios to listen to music and the news, and Wi-Fi at our offices to transmit data worldwide. The wavelength of microwave radiation is one centimeter, whereas that of radio waves is approximately ten centimeters. This is due to the fact that these radiations’ wavelengths are outside of our visual range.

Spinning objects

Imagine the following situation: you are driving a car, and someone tries to pass you. The “wagon-wheel” effect is an optical illusion that causes this hard thing to appear as though the other car’s wheels are actually rotating in reverse when you gaze through the window.

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It appears as though the spokes are bending and moving on the other side due to the spinning action of the revolving wheel. The similar phenomenon happens to us when we view a ceiling fan. It becomes impossible to perceive the fan blades or the wheel spokes moving in the right direction over a particular speed.


According to an article in the magazine, scientists estimate that a person weighing 70 kg, standing 1.7 meters tall, and between the ages of 20 and 30 has about 30 trillion human cells on average. On the other hand, our bodies contain about 39 trillion bacteria.

We cannot see the bacteria no matter how big it is because human vision cannot detect anything smaller than 0.1 mm in length. In these situations, the microscope would be necessary.

The health effects of excessive exposure to these agents, especially radiation and bacteria, are severe. These things are invisible to us, despite the fact that we are surrounded by them on a regular basis.

Source: Ngnews247.com