Student Makes Jest of Lecturer In Class After Recalling Video of Him ‘Fooling Himself’ On TikTok During ASUU Strike

A Nigerian student known as Jessica revealed how a discovery that her lecturer has a TikTok account affects her ability to concentrate in class.

She shared a video which showed her receiving lectures from the man and noted that she was unable to pay attention because she remembered his TikTok video.

In another part of the clip which seemed to have been recorded during the ASUU strike, the lecturer could be seen making remarks to his students which seemed confusing.

The lecturer repeatedly said in the throwback clip; ”To all my students at home, God did”. To all my students in the street, God did”.

Jessica struggled to stop herself for laughing in class as he was teaching them after school resumed because each time she looked at him, he saw an image of him making comical statement.

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Watch the clip below: