Steps To Travel Abroad From Nigeria – Easiest Way

We all understand that the condition of things in Nigeria is not easy at the moment and the only way to get a quick turn around is to find your way out of the country quickly.

Also with the latest frustration of Visa refusals and application downtime in many embassies in Nigeria, the best way is to hear directly from someone that has been in your shoes before.

Steps To Travel Abroad From Nigeria

  • Get Married To Someone Abroad.

Whether the marriage is arranged or real, you can get a quick turn around by marrying someone  abroad. Visit to connect with single Nigerian guys and girls home and abroad.

Trust me you will meet lots of people here. Please watch out don’t break someones heart just because you want to travel abroad because it will come back and hunt you.

  • Attend a Conference

There are thousands of conference that takes place yearly in countries like Canada, USA and UK. If you are a security or IT professional, you can use to get out. Visit them for more

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If you will like to see more conferences, go ahead and search

Lots of folks have travelled out through conferences.

  • Represent Nigeria Officially

If you have a friend that knows those top governmental officials in Nigeria, you can be sent out of the country with this opportunity. I don’t know much about this myself but a friend of mine told me the Government do send people out frequently to represent Nigeria. Try your luck

  • Study Abroad

If you have your Degree, you can search for schools in Canada,USA or UK. If your GPA is at least 2.1 , you will get an admission for a masters program.

Just find a way to prove that you or your sponsor is financially ok. Your visa will be issued

If you have your Secondary School Education with WAEC or GCE, you can also apply for your degree.

If you like Canada, I highly recommend Their admission rate is very decent for Nigerians.

  • Apply For Permanent Residence Document On Your Own

You don’t really need a sponsor to immigrate to Canada. If you have a degree and a good job, you can apply on your own. It takes 18 months. Visit for more

  • Use Other’s Document

Though I personally don’t recommend this but people still do it. After 911, Airport Security has been really tight so using Some else’s Passport may not be a good option anymore.

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Try at your own risk. And if you want to try this option, better have a good idea of what the country you are visiting is all about.

Don’t be like a friend of mine that was deported from Amsterdam because she doesn’t know what Ontario Canada school bus colour is (She said it is red while the right answer is yellow)

All the best wishing you success.