Stephenia Omeh: Poor People Breed Children That Envy Rich Kids

A US-based health professional, Stephenia Omeh has asserted that poor people give birth to kids that grow up envying their peers who have rich parents.

The Nigerian lady who slammed the children of the poor said they should not be envious, rather they be angry at their parents for not struggling to become rich when their mates were putting in effort.

Stephenia, who works in Washington DC, said that it’s mostly applicable to the current generation because in the past, poor kids dreamt of becoming like the rich ones and they were never envious.

She wrote; “Poor people breeds kids that envy rich kids.

It’s no one’s fault that your parents chose to breed when others are creating wealth. Your envy will never change your predicament – you better start learning from rich people like am doing now.

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When I was growing up – we were not that envious of successful people, rather, we wanted to become successful like them

But this new generation of poor people are very ENVIOUS of successful people and will not think twice to k**l that successful individual. Envious Generation!”