Save Yourself From Heartbreaks, Start Leaving By These 9 Rules

You probably have been in many relationships that ended badly, with your heart broken. It is very easy to blame your exes for the reasons why the relationships ended so badly.

But when break ups becomes a frequent thing in your hunt for a better half then you need to shit back and look inward, maybe you have been doing it wrongly all along.

Start living by these 9 rules if you want your next relationship to be a successful one.

1. Understand you are a very important part of the relationship

In a relationship, it is very easy to fall head over hills for the person you are in it with but it is very important to make sure you are getting as much as you are giving.

Yes, love is not over bearing but when you are the only one who is putting effort to keep things afloat in the relationship then you should start having a rethink about the relationship. Know what your own needs are in the relationship and make sure your partner is doing his/her best to meet them. A relationship is supposed to be a give and take think, not a give and give or take and take thing.

2. Don’t make it too easy

When people get something too easily, it is only natural that they don’t understand the value of the thing. It is not everyone you should give your heart to, not everyone deserves to be in your life and not everyone deserves to know your story, fear, happiness, strength, hope, dreams and any other thing about you.

Someone who really deserves to be in your life and want to be in it should be ready to work for it or walk away.

3. Think about each step

Just jumping into a relationship because the other person showed some level of interest in you might be the reason why most of the other relationship failed.
It is okay to love with your heart but think with your brain, not your heart. Before you start making the next plan or moving to the next phase with someone, think over it properly and weigh the odds. Make sure it is something that will make you better and also make the relationship stronger.

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4. Don’t let only your partner control/direct the relationship

If you only go out when the other person feels like going out with you, you only do things when the other person wants to do them. That is a sign of a bad relationship. Yes, it might look like you are being committed but it is not a relationship if your opinion never considered.

Know that you have need and they are meant to be met, talk about what you want and don’t want in the relationship. Don’t let your partner be the only driver in the relationship; you should take the wheel sometimes.

5. Know that actions speak louder than words

When you partner always say one thing but do the other thing then you should be worried. For example if your partner keep saying he wants to be with you but hardly find time to be around you or he says he loves you but still flirt with other people. These signs should not be ignored of you don’t want to be heartbroken.

6. Listing to the inner you (you mind)

If you feel that there is something that is not just right about your partner or the relationship, don’t just discard it and think it is your mind playing tricks on you. Always follow your mind and whatever thing (good or bad) you perceived about your partner; you should look into it critically.

7. Restructure your habits

When you keep having failed relationship, it might just be as a result of some simple habit that you keep repeating. For example, do you keep meeting your partners at the same bar or in your school or the library? Then maybe it is time you have a change. Why not try meeting someone at work and see how it works. Do all you ex have exactly the same interest? Maybe it is time to try people of other interest.

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Change the places you frequent, especially the places you seem to always meet a new partner. Just try new things all together and experience life from a new angle.

8. Avoid jumping right into a new relationship

It is natural to want to fill the space that was left wide open by your previous partner, but jumping right into a new relationship just after ending the previous one might not be a good idea especially when the previous one ended badly.

Take time to relax and fined yourself again, learn to love and appreciate yourself and also evaluate what really went wrong in the previous relationship so that you won’t repeat your mistakes.

9. Never make excuses for your partner’s wrong doings

Don’t always make excesses for the thing your partner is not doing right, see him/her for that he really is. If he is a cheat and a flirt know him as that and don’t think it your fault he cheats. If he doesn’t give you enough time, attention or affection, talk to him about it; don’t feel things will improve with time.

It is better you end the relationship while it is still easy and less painful to do than to wait for when it will result to a heartbreak.