Randeko Kovinić Net Worth: Biography,Net Worth & more
Randeko Kovinić is the father of Montenegrin professional tennis player Danka Kovinić. He is married to his wife Snjezana Kovinić with whom he has three children; two sons Aleksa and Luka and daughter Danka Kovinić. He owns and runs a cafe/bar in his home country FR Yugoslavia.
How many houses and cars does Randeko Kovinić have?
No houses and properties have been listed to Randeko Kovinić’s name at the moment. It is unknown if he lives in his house or a rented apartment.
How much does Randeko Kovinić make annually?
Randeko Kovinić’s annual earnings isn’t available to the public as of now. It is impossible to know how much he earns per month so to calculate his average per year.
How many businesses does Randeko Kovinić own?
Randeko Kovinić owns and runs a café/bar.
What brands does Randeko Kovinić have?
Unknown. to be updated as soon as possible.
How many Investments does Randeko Kovinić have?
Not much is accessible in regards to such investments Randeko Kovinić has.
How many Endorsement deals has Randeko Kovinić?
Randeko Kovinić does not have any endorsement deals.
How many charities has Randeko Kovinić donated to?
Unknown at the moment if Randeko Kovinić has donated to any charities.
How many Philanthropy works has Randeko Kovinić supported?
There is no information available in this regard.
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