Pigeons Released By Buhari Refuse To Fly At Armed Forces Remembrance (Video)

The white pigeons, released by President Muhammadu Buhari, at the Armed Forces Remembrance Day ceremony, refused to fly despite several attempts by the President thereby sparking a debate on social media on Friday.

The President had opened the birdcage at the National Arcade, picked up one of the birds, and thrown it into the air but the bird landed atop the cage and refused to take flight.

Buhari, who was eager to let the white pigeons fly, opened the roof of the cage in a bid to send them all out but the birds remained adamant and decided to sit on top of the cage’s roof.

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The President, who appeared tired of trying, soon left the birds and returned to his seat. Moments after the President had left, however, some of the birds flew.

Watch the video below: