Peter Schjeldahl Cause of Death: What Illness Does Peter Schjeldahl Have?

Peter Schjeldahl was a popular American art critic, poet, and educator.

Peter Schjeldahl was best known for being the head art critic at The New Yorker, having earlier written for The Village Voice, ARTnews, and The New York Times.

Peter Schjeldahl has died aged 80 on October 21, 2022.

Peter Schjeldahl was born on March 20, 1942, in Fargo, North Dakota, in the United States of America.

Peter Schjeldahl Cause of Death

Peter Schjeldahl died from lung cancer complications on October 21st, 2022. He was earlier diagnosed in 2019. He was 80 years old.

Peter Schjeldahl Wife

Donnie Brooke Alderson is the wife of the late Peter Schjeldahl. His death was confirmed by his wife.

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Donnie Brooke Alderson is also knwn to be a former actress.

Peter Schjeldahl Children

Ada Calhoun Schjeldahl is the surviving daughter or child of Peter Schjeldahl. She is the only child of her parents Donnie Brooke Alderson and Peter Schjeldahl.

Peter Schjeldahl Parents

Peter Schjeldahl is the son of Gilmore Schjeldahl and Charlene Hanson Schjeldahl.

Peter Schjeldahl Siblings

Peter Schjeldahl had four siblings who are Don, Ann Morris, Peggy Schjeldahl and Mary Schjeldahl.

Peter Schjeldahl Net Worth

Peter Schjeldahl had an estimated net worth of $5 million at the time he died.