Open Heaven Daily Devotional Wednesday 21 March 2018 – LIKE MASTER, LIKE DISCIPLE

Open Heaven Daily Devotional Wednesday 21 March 2018 – LIKE MASTER, LIKE DISCIPLE

Open Heaven Daily Devotional
Wednesday 21 March 2018

Memorise: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
John 14:12

Read: Acts 4:8-14
8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,

9 If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole;

10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

14 And beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.

Bible in one year: Deuteronomy 5-6, Galatians 4:1-20

Today’s memory verse focuses on one of the farewell statements of the Lord Jesus Christ that I consider to be of utmost importance to the Body of Christ today. This statement was addressed to anyone who believes in Jesus as the Messiah. Note that the mandate contained in this statement is not directed at the 12 disciples or any special group. It was directed at bishops, pastors, prophets, evangelists or other “highly spiritual” Christians.

Jesus was speaking to anyone who believes in Him, which means all Christians. Although all Christians claim to believe in Jesus, a vast majority are not even aware of this important mandate of the Master, while some others, due to unbelief, argue that it is impossible to walk in the reality of it. The word “works” in this mandate comprises of everything Jesus did during His whole earthly ministry. These include teaching, preaching, discipleship, miracles, signs and wonders. The question then is: are we Christians doing the works that Jesus did? The answer is obvious. May the Lord ignite His fire in His Church and wake us up to our responsibilities in Jesus Name.

Discipleship is the process of following Jesus Christ, serving Him and obeying Him in all things. Jesus encouraged His disciples to strive to become like Him so that they can represent Him in His absence (Mark 9:17-19, Matthew 10:25b). The template of discipleship instituted by the Lord demands that anyone who wants to be a true disciple must first deny himself (Matthew 16:24). Self-denial is all about sacrificing personal interest and preferences to focus on the will of the Master only. The Christian race becomes very easy for anyone who is able to take this very important step. Soon after I gave my life to Christ, the Lord helped me to give up my personal ambition of becoming the youngest occupant of the highest office in the academic world on the African continent. This decision helped me to commit the whole of my time, attention, money, and all other resources at my disposal to the service of God. It paid off, as the Lord took me from my humble beginnings to where I am today.

The Lord says no one can serve two masters; every disciple is therefore expected to be totally committed to God and His kingdom business (Matthew 6:24). Doing the works of Jesus entails going out to proclaim the message of the gospel, and demonstrating acts of mercy, love and compassion around the world. We must live in holiness as good examples to the world. Our message must be backed up with the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit in signs, wonders and miracles. We must win souls and disciples them to maturity. Nothing short of these is acceptable as the works of Jesus.

Prayer Point
Father, please grant me the grace to do greater works as mandated by Your Son, in Jesus’ Name.

I have decide to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
No turning back, no turning back.

The world behind me, the cross Before me;
The world behind me, the cross before me;
The world behind me, the cross Before me;
No turning back, no turning back.

Through none go with me, still I Will follow;
Through none go with me, still I Will follow;
Through none go with me, still I Will follow;
No turning back, no turning back.

My cross 1’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
My cross 1’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
My cross 1’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
No turning back, no turning back.

Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
No turning back, no turning back.

Alamu Tosin

The writer is Alamu Tosin. I have three strong passions in life — football, blogging and movies — in that order. I love spending time with friends talking about the important things in life and hate nothing more than ‘authority’ and hypocrisy. My personal believe in life is that once an individual sets his/her mind to achieve something, it is totally possible. And oh!, I am a strong Lannister, because I always pay my debt. For writing or fixing gigs, contact