‘Only Death Will Stop Me From Having More Kids’- Man With 151 children And 16 Wives Reveals

A Zimbabwean man with 151 children from 16 wives has revealed that the only thing that can stop him from expanding his ’empire’ with more women and children is death.

The man, Misheck Nyandoro told The Herald in a recent interview that he is planning to take his 17th wife soon so that he can add to his 151 children.

Nyandoro said ;

Mine is a project. This polygamy is a project that I have undertaken since 1983 and will end with my death. Whenever that day death visits, is when I will stop marrying and fathering children.

I am planning on taking in my 17th wife this winter and the formalities are already being worked on.”

The popular polygamist shockingly revealed having multiple kids is a form of financial security- which he calls ‘project’. Nyandoro also claimed that Western Europe has a big project to reduce Africa’s population and he’s against that.

From my working children and getting pampered with money through EcoCash, almost daily and 11 of my children have put me on funeral policy. I get goods from sons-in-law.

I have not stopped making babies, the sky is the limit. I have not stopped marrying either, God allowing, I will go even up to 100 wives and maybe 1000 children. Western Europe has a big project to reduce Africa’s population and am against that. I am a war veteran, the Government pays for my children’s fees. I have no problem.”

The 66-year-old also disclosed that life is good as he does not go to work, but sits in a shed where he is fed by all his 16 wives who all prepare food for him separately. He said that he only eats the best-prepared food and throws away the rest.

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Every wife cooks her best every day because the rule is I only eat what is delicious and I throw away what is not tasty. Every wife subscribes to that rule and does not get annoyed when I return her badly cooked food to her. It is the rule here. Rejected food should make her cook better next time

My church does not allow women to cook together. Each must cook on her own in as much as she sleeps in her own bedroom.

On having sex with all his wives, the man boasted;

I am strong and feel as strong as I was when I was 18. I give conjugal rights to an average of four wives a night and I do the duty roaster personally. I go to the targeted bedrooms one by one. That is my job. There is no other job I do. They are all catered for and you can see they are happy. Afternoon conjugal rights are not considered during the duty roster, for, that is mainly accidental.

The moment I see the next woman, she is a completely new person and I feel like I haven’t done anything before. There is no magic but a sound mind. Never be lied to about juju or magic or anything. To me, every wife is a new person. It feels different.

When I am dealing with each wife, I tune myself to her age and demands so that we operate from the same level. What I do with the young wives is not what I do with the elderly ones.

But again the reason why I am marrying two or three more in the recent future is that the elderly wives are no longer much interested in sex.

At times I am chased away or told to go for the younger ones.

I am not employed. My duty is to satisfy my wives. I know each of them personally and I satisfy them accordingly.