Odogwu: Meaning of ‘Odogwu’ And How To Use The Name

What is the meaning of Odogwu

Alot of people have been asking about the meaning of the name ‘Odogwu‘ and we’re glad to tell you that we have what you’re looking for.

The name Odogwu is a strong name in the Eastern part of Nigeria, (mainly used by the Igbos). By meaning, Odogwu means a very strong man, influencial, Mighty in battle, wealthy man and someone worthy of being feared.

Odogwu Meaning

Here’s what we got as response from people

Someone from Nigeria says the name Odogwu means “great man of warrior or battle” and is of Igbo origin. According to another user, the name Odogwu means “A man of great esteem. A distinguished man. A valorous man. A great man”.