OAU SU: Matters Arising As Regards Union Reinstatement


Sparkling new week to the generality of Great Ife. It has come to our notice that the last release from ACJ-OAU has generated misconception among students and it is pertinent at this point for the association to state categorically our position as regards the reinstatement of the students union activities.

Last week, the Association of Campus Journalists informed students about conditions of things on campus and matters attached to the conduct of the union’s Hall Executive Council elections.

The release was to inform the generality of Great Ife students of the stand of the university management before coming up with ours as an independent body.

As a body, it is expedient to identify the problems facing the university community, the cause of the problems and also look for the best approach to avert the reoccurrence of such problems while logical approach is also applied in getting rid of the already created problems. It should be noted that the HEC is an arm of the union and a part cannot be subtracted from the whole.

ACJ-OAU investigations and random interviews as an objective and independent body show that students frown at the suspension of the union activities. We will like to remind the general public that while the misappropriation of funds and other irregularities of the suspended administration has brought shame to the university, the entire students should not be made to bear the burden.

The suspension of the students’ union activities is an attack on all students and it is aim at destroying the soul of the students unionism.

However, as the voice of all and sundry in the university, we have decided to conduct a public opinion poll/referendum as regards the reinstatement of the union which will be made available both online and offline.

The offline poll will be questionnaires on boards of all news outlets on campus and halls of residence while the online poll will be a link for students to provide necessary information for the questionnaire (it should be noted that no student will be victimized as no matriculation number is required in filling the form.

The most essential information needed is the level as the analysis at the end of the opinion poll will be categorized per level 100level-600level and in same vein, the results will be made available to the public and for the management to know that the students are curious to have the union back.

After making the result known to the public and the University management, it expected of the management as the major determinant for the reinstatement of the union activities to take progressive actions on the result.

If after the presentation of the result to the public and the management we still have no positive or progressive response, then there would be need to spread the tentacle across all media houses, personalities, constituted authorities with the available analysis of how curious the students of this great institution want the reinstatement of the union Again, ACJOAU frowns at the suspension of union activities and seeks that the university management punish the culpable ex union officers rather than suspending the union of over 30,000 students for the abnormality of few.

Lastly, the union is the ‘identity’ of students and ACJOAU will continue to be as objective as we can for, we remain the voice of the masses and always assert the strength of pen.

Alamu Tosin

The writer is Alamu Tosin. I have three strong passions in life — football, blogging and movies — in that order. I love spending time with friends talking about the important things in life and hate nothing more than ‘authority’ and hypocrisy. My personal believe in life is that once an individual sets his/her mind to achieve something, it is totally possible. And oh!, I am a strong Lannister, because I always pay my debt. For writing or fixing gigs, contact tosinalamu@gmail.com.