OAU Student Narrates Ordeal, Says He Prefers To Be Attacked By Bandits Than SARS

A part three student of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) from department of Mathematics, Chimuanya David Genesis who doubles as a graphic designer and programmer, has berated the activities of some officers of Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) who allegedly harass and intimate the citizens.

While narrating the ordeal he faced with SARS officers in Lagos on August 2020, to our correspondent on Wednesday, he expressed that he would prefer to be attacked by bandit than to be attacked by SARS.

Narrating his ordeal, he said: “Yes. I would prefer to be attacked by bandit than to encounter SARS.

” I reside in Lagos and had encountered with officers of Nigeria Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) couple of days towards August ending, 2020 which happened at OJO LGA, Igbolerin to be precised.

“I was discussing with my fiancé at the bus stop and waiting for tricycle so I could board to my destination when officers turned up in a minibus and arrested me and told me to enter the bus which I asked them what the problem was and those officers said when I get into the bus he will explain himself and I obliged cos I knew haven’ done anything wrong.

“On getting into the bus, I saw young guys mainly youth inside the bus too that were being apprehended by SARS.

“The officers took myself and others of the bus touring round Lagos with lots of irrelevant question and allegation as if we are on an adventure trip. While I was in the bus, I wasn’t myself cos I was thinking of my life, mom, fiancé and lots more. An officer said to me that I should identify myself which I did. Before I could noticed anything further, he said I’m a criminal and a fraudster which I was laughing and said how could they proof that I’m. The next thing I heard was two hot slaps on my face which made me mad.

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“They asked where my phone is? Which I unlock and gave it to them and they start checking and found nothing, while all the scene was happening, one of them said to me if I have 5million that they will free me and I said NO and calls start coming cos my fiancé called my brother, family and friends which the officers refused to give my phone to me. Along the line, they saw graphics work and my fiverr work with my white client. The next thing they will say was that I’m a fraudster and what happening to hushpuppy will happen to me. Before I could try to explain myself, another slap landed on my face. Alongside the same thing was happening to other guys in the bus. It got to a peak I was just tired of everything and I asked what exactly they want. They said I should open my bank app which is against human right and I oblige and they saw the amount there and the next thing that will come out of their mouth was I should transfer all the money there to them and I
did gave them #37000 while others paid close to #250,000 and I got freed and dropped me at Igando bus top.

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“And that was the end of the story. I would prefer to be attacked by bandit than to encounter SARS. It should be noted that SARS was created to combat violent crimes like armed robbery and kidnapping but the reverse is the case. They torture, extort and abuse citizens especially young Nigerians. Victims were tormented and coerced into confessing to crimes, they did not commit.

“The abuse of power displayed by SARS has nursed in fear into the heart of young Nigerians. Recently Nigerians took to their social using the hashtag #ENDSARS trended on Instagram and twitter cos the oppression is becoming too much which a lot more needs to be done to curtail the excessive extortion on the citizens. Nigeria constitution says ‘’Every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person, and accordingly, no person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment.. section 34(1) of the constitution.”