Living Above Average By Akinwola Mosadoluwa

Hmmmmmmm. LIVING ABOVE AVERAGE What’s everyone desires

This lecture is to recruit us into exceptional living, and I want to use a story to illustrate what I intend to achieve in the life of every one.

A very rich man that had only one daughter gave a call to the men in the city that desired to marry his daughter to all come to his house for screening.

If anyone succeeds, they have an option of collecting a billion Naira or marrying his daughter.

On the day of the screening, all the interested guys gathered and he took them all to the olympic size swimming pool in his estate and told them all to line up in preparation to swim to the other side and the first person to get across will be the winner. They all went forth to line up at the pool only to discover that it was a pool full of alligators. Even though they all desired the reward, no one was willing to take the risk, while they all waited in confusion, they heard a splash. There was one guy in the pool swimming with all his might and before they knew it, he was out on the other side panting but unharmed. The billionaire was impressed and confessed that he did not really think anyone can do it. So what do you want as your reward? My daughter or the one billion Naira? “I don’t want your daughter or your money, all I want is the person who pushed me into that water.

Even though he was looking angrily for the man who pushed him in, the most important thing is that he had crossed over and now qualifies for blessing. What I intend to do is to push you into the river of outstanding living, full of aligators of failure and mediocrity, but I know you will come out victorious and unharmed by the aligators.

In our world, there has been an increasing demand for excellence, priority, integrity, and character. All of these things are for those who are living above AVERAGE and do not settle for less. Our world, today does not rely on anything that is 2nd best but rather 1st.

Here why you need to live above limit:

1. Living above Average indicates that individuals must rise above the level of mediocrity and break the barriers of limitation.

You were meant to live at the MAXIMUM not the minimum. you will only be responsible for the level you rise to in all areas of your life. When you live above average, you give yourself an opportunity to re-think, re-evaluate, recuperate, and re-energy you.

The purpose of living above average is to make you rise above the challenges and vicissitudes of life.

2. Living Above Average gives you the ability to soar above life’s challenges.

It is so vital that you soar above life’s challenges. Anything that is limiting you from reaching your assignment is a BARRIER and a Limitation Soaring above life’s challenges gives you the ability to rise above average and NOT to live a mediocre lifestyle.

3. Living Above Average sharpens your Perception.

No great artist ever sees things as they are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. What you can not believe you will never achieve – PERIOD. Life consists on perception. What you see determines what you believe, achieve and PERCEIVE. Perception breaks you from the cycle of stagnation; which continually prevents you from living above average. Average is the limiting force for a person whose perception is totally distinctive. Perception shapes your character to that of an eagle; so that you are so focused on your destination. Perception is the ability to prepare yourself for conquest. Perception gives you the foresight and assurance that your future is secured.

4. Living Above Average allows you to raise your level of Excellence.

RAISE THE LEVEL OF YOUR EXCELLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellence is the ability to do things well. You must not live a life of average, everyone wants to be distinctive – excellence is the key. Also, there is biblical instances of people that operated in excellence. There isn’t nobody in bible history that didn’t operate in excellence. Excellence has the ability to break the backbone of containment; and release joy and elevation. There is one person from bible, which I will use and he is Daniel. Daniel was a man of integrity, excellence & spiritual insights. Bible history has it, that he was born in Jerusalem during the reign of King Josiah. Excellence reveals your strength under havoc & pain. Every pain in your life, can be traced to a certain level of excellence you failed to achieve in your life.

5. Living Above Average require Discipline.

DISCIPLINE!!!!! You will never achieve and be what you ought to be without being dedicated and giving yourself wholly into something. Discipline is the key to unlock your Spiritual and Personal Success. Discipline is not a skill; but an attitude. Discipline gives you the tenacity to overcome to become so persistance in the journey of life to achieve and BREAK BARRIERS. Living Above Average will mean that you will have to give yourself wholly into what you want to see come to FULL MATURITY. When you live above average it gives you the WILL-POWER to start something and then FINISH IT.

They are satisfied with average living: – It’s surprising to know that some people are satisfied with average living. They keep comparing themselves with people behind them instead motivating themselves for a better life. Nobody can move forward looking back Nobody can move forward with a reverse gear. Nobody can move forward looking only at the rearview mirror. Nobody can rise above average if they only compare themselves with people behind instead of motivating themselves with millions that are above them. Some people show their satisfaction with average living in the way they pride over it. “At least I’m an average student and not the worst” “ I came from an average family” “I’m not poor, I am an average income earner” I agree that we start from somewhere, but that should not be the end. This is your time to rise higher because you cannot afford to be stagnant in a moving world.

2. They have shallow dreams and a shallow mentality: – Many people have been kept average because of their mentality. A young man once said he can never handle a contract that is above fifty thousand naira due to the risk involved, the only thing limiting him from outstanding living financially is his mentality. If you are given an opportunity to make just one request, what will you ask for?

3. They are not willing to pay the price for outstanding living: – Nobody can achieve what they are not willing to pay for. Outstanding and exceptional living is a product of the price one is willing to pay.

4. They have blended in with the status – QUO : – A one eyed man is a star in the city full of blind men, because he is better, and a man that has never seen anything greater than what he has is deceived to believe he is the best in the world . People blend into the status quo, and live below God’s plan for them because they have no one around to motivate them and challenge them to a better life by rocking their comfort boat. You can operate above your present level.

5. They don’t know they are average: – Like a fish born in an aquarium and ignorant of a better life in the ocean, some people don’t even know they are living an average life, because the enemy has blinded their minds and eyes to the reality of their true state. A man once went to fish in the sea and whenever he catches a fish, he will measure the fish against a rod in his hand. If the fish was bigger and longer, he will throw it back into the sea, but if it was within the size of the rod, he kep it. An on looker out of curiosity weny and asked him why he did that and he replied by saying that he had a small frying pan and he did not want to take a fish bigger than what his frying pan can handle.. Hmmm, WHAT A MENTALITY!!! Don’t allow your mentality to keep you below your destiny in God.


There are five major reasons why many people settle for less and live on average level and below average.

– They are satisfied with average living.

– They have shallow dreams and a shallow mentality

– They are not willing to pay the price for outstanding living.

– They have blended in with the status – QUO

– They don’t know they are average.

There is a story of an American farmer who found the eggs of an eagle and brought it to his farm so dat it could be hatched by his chickens

The eagle came forth and like the chickens, he kept eating what they ate and doing what they did. Even though he lived among them and lived like them, something inside kep telling him he was created for a better life above that which he lived in.

One day the mother eagle came in the sky and kep calling forth, the baby eagle looked up having been stirred within by the cry of the mother. He discovered that he looked more like the eagles than the chicken, and so he decided to do what the mother eagle did, he opened his wings and before he knew it he saw himself rising high and so he soared into a new life.

Like the baby eagle, you have lived among failures and mediocres for too long, and you must break free from their effect because you are more than this. Like the prodigal son, it’s time for you to spread your wings and fly back into your original position because I believe it is your turn to rise and I BELIEVE YOU CAN FLY

Alamu Tosin

The writer is Alamu Tosin. I have three strong passions in life — football, blogging and movies — in that order. I love spending time with friends talking about the important things in life and hate nothing more than ‘authority’ and hypocrisy. My personal believe in life is that once an individual sets his/her mind to achieve something, it is totally possible. And oh!, I am a strong Lannister, because I always pay my debt. For writing or fixing gigs, contact