List Of Subjects You Will Be Required To Write in Your Post UTME

Subjects You Will Be Required To Write in Your Post UTME (mathematics, English, Literature, Physics etc)?

The subject you will be writing on your Post UTME exam totally depends on your School of choice, take for example, a student who applied for Medicine in Uniben will not be writing same Subject with a Student who also applied for same course in a different University.

Most times, the Subjects written are similar to those you did on JAMB except that other Subject may be included like, Current affairs, Aptitude test etc .

The best way to tell the list of course you should be expecting in your Post UTME is by buying past questions from the school for previous years, this will give you a better idea of the subject you are to expect questions from and also how they set their Questions.


What is the difference between Aptitude Test and Normally written Post UTME Exam?

You may be Surprised to find out that your school of choice will be conducting an ‘ Aptitude Test‘ as their Post UTME screening method.

This is not new, i already explained all method Universities use to Conduct their Post UTME exam . Student who are to sit for Aptitude test are expected to prepare themselves for Critical thinking, You may see a question like:

Question: IF mary’s mother has three Children and two of them are named Daniel and Mosses, what is the name of the last child?

Sounds familiar right?, these are the kind of Questions you are to expect.

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