Jose Maria Sison Biography, Cause of Death, Net Worth, Wife, Children, Family

Jose Maria Sison Biography, Cause of Death, Net Worth, Wife, Children, Family. Jose Maria Sison, the founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away at the age of 83.

How Did Jose Maria Sison Die?

Jose Maria Sison died Friday night after a two-week treatment in the hospital. Sison, a former youth leader and university lecturer who created the CPP and the New People’s Army, has been in exile in the Netherlands since the late 1980s. On Saturday morning, the party confirmed his death.

The CPP said that the “Philippine proletariat and toiling people grieve the death of their teacher and guiding light” in a statement released on Saturday. The CPP said, it gave its “highest possible tribute” to Sison whom it called a “great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationalist and revolutionary leader.”

“Even as we mourn, we vow to continue to give all our strength and determination to carry the revolution forward guided by the memory and teachings of the people’s beloved Ka Joma,” the statement added.

Jose Maria Sison Cause of Death

Jose Maria Sison cause of death was an illness. He passed away yesterday at around 8:40 p.m. (PH time) after two weeks of confinement in the hospital at the age of 83.

Sison established the CPP on December 26, 1968, and the New People’s Army as its armed wing the following year. Since then, the NPA has been engaged in Asia’s longest-running insurgency.

He was detained in 1977 and held in solitary confinement for most of his captivity until his release in 1986, following the fall of the Marcos dictatorship. Sison moved to Europe in self-exile in 1987 after peace negotiations with the administration of the time, then-President Corazon Aquino, fell through. He lived there until his death.

Because the government had revoked his passport and out of worry for his safety and security, he was unable to travel back home.

Who was Jose Maria Sison?

Sison served as the National Democratic Front of Phillippines’ main political advisor at the time of his death. The National Democratic Front of the Phillippines attends peace talks on behalf of the CPP and NPA. He served as the International League of People’s Struggles’ emeritus chairman as well.

During the administrations that came after Aquino, there were intermittent peace talks between the Philippine government and the communist rebels.

Attempts to recommence peace talks under Rodrigo Duterte, who identified as a socialist and a member of the left-wing political movement, failed in 2016 due to allegations of ceasefire violations.

Although a court has not yet formally designated the CPP and NPA as terrorist organizations, Duterte later designated them as such. The two organizations were labeled a terrorist in 2020 by the Anti-Terrorism Council.

In 2021, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, which participates in peace negotiations on behalf of the CPP and NPA, was classified as a terrorist organization.

Jose Maria Sison Wife

Sison met his wife, Julie de Lima, when both were students at UP Diliman. Attending the same study groups, they grew closer and married first in a civil wedding in September 1959 and then in a Catholic church wedding in January 1960. The couple has four children.

Jose Maria Sison Net Worth

Jose Maria Sison has an estimated net worth of $6 million

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