Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard Cause of Death, Net Worth, Wife, Age, Height, Children

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard was a famous professional Canadian football linebacker who died at the age of 34 on September 25, 2022.

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard was best known to have played for four seasons as a member of three different teams in the Canadian Football League.

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard was born on October 10, 1988, in Trois-Rivières, Canada.

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard Cause of Death

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard died on September 25, 2022 after he battled cancer for a while. He was 34 years old.

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard Wife

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard was married to his wife Émilie. They were blessed with two children who are Alie and Laurent. He is survived by two children who are Alie and Laurent.

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Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard Height

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard stands at a height of 6 feet and an inch tall and weighs about 215 lbs.

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard Net Worth

Jonathan Beaulieu-Richard had an estimated net worth of $1 million at the time he died.