James Brown holds plus-sized lady as Storm Eunice almost blows him away in UK [video]

James Brown holds plus-sized lady as Storm Eunice almost blows him away in UK [video]

Popular crossdresser and social media influencer, James brown recently took to social media with a video showing his experience with Storm Eunice in the UK.

The effeminate celebrity was filmed on the streets fighting for dear life as a heavy storm engulfed the area.

Brown hilariously held on to a plus-sized friend who was with him and the lady was kind enough to pull him to safety and prevent the gust of wind from sweeping him off the streets.

Another portion of the video captured Brown recounting the experience with his fans and telling them how the wind almost blew him away.

He also used the opportunity to extend his appreciation to a friend who salvaged the situation and came to his aid.

Watch the funny video below:



Alamu Tosin

The writer is Alamu Tosin. I have three strong passions in life — football, blogging and movies — in that order. I love spending time with friends talking about the important things in life and hate nothing more than ‘authority’ and hypocrisy. My personal believe in life is that once an individual sets his/her mind to achieve something, it is totally possible. And oh!, I am a strong Lannister, because I always pay my debt. For writing or fixing gigs, contact tosinalamu@gmail.com.