I Love A Girl But She Doesn’t Love Me, What Can I Do ?

Question: I love this girl and she doesn’t love me back. We grew close for some time but then suddenly something snapped and she’s been trying to push me away ever since. She never wants to talk to me and asks me go away. I’ve been a little annoying and she’s borderline introverted and says she’s sick of me. Yet somehow I’ve convinced her to let me be a part of her life. We mostly sit together in class but she never lets me get close and she barely even wants to speak with me. She knows I love her a lot. She asked for space but it’s been 2 weeks and she still won’t talk. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to get this girl.

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Answer: Sorry to hear that you are in this position. Unrequited love isn’t exactly a picnic!

The truth is: No matter how strongly you feel about a girl, there is nothing that you can do to make her love you. Love just doesn’t work that way.

But if you want to increase the chances of her being interested in and attracted to you, there is something you can do. It sounds counter-intuitive, but trust me, if she likes you, it will work.

All you have to do is: Back off! Create distance. Stop talking to her and showing her interest. She will wonder what happened.

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If you back up, she may come closer to you.