How To Use Bitter Kola To Last Longer In Bed

Bitter kola is a flowering plant that is commonly grown in Central and Western Africa. It is known to contain many phytochemicals that are beneficial to humans and is responsible for its use in traditional medicine.

Bitter kola, Garcinia kola, is useful from its bark to its seeds. The seeds are used, traditionally, to treat throat infections, cough, cold, liver disorders, and many more disorders. It helps to increase blood circulation, aids digestion, boosts metabolism, and increase energy levels; all these are necessary for improved s3xuality.

How To Use Bitter Kola To Last Longer In Bed

1. Boost sperm count

Bitter kola has been found to be very useful in boost sperm production, sperm count, and sperm motility… It is a plant that is believed to help make aan fertile again.

2. Treats weak erection

Bitter kola conveniently makes a man last longer in bed by way of increasing blood flow to the genitals… With this, the penis receives good oxygen and nutrients which promotes strong erection making the man have a good s3xual stamina.

3. Cures premature ejaculation

Eating bitter kola, drinking soaked bitter water, or drinking a combo of bitter kola blended with water melon seeds has been proven to help cure premature ejaculation, quick ejaculation, boosts libido, boosts fertility, increase sperm count, enhances s3xual stamina and makes a man last much longer in bed. It is a proven natural Viagra that many men and even women can attest to…..Is is safe, natural and you should try it.

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4. Boost s3xual libido

Bitter kola is a popular plant that has been well documented in Science to help boost libido… our forefathers didn’t just chewing this bitter plant for nothing…. They found out early that it improves their s3xual desire and makes them last longer than expected in bed. Bitter kola blended with ginger, honey or bitter leaf very well enhances s3xual libido…. Suffering from fertility issues and poor libido, start chewing bitter kola now.


1. Mixture of alligator pepper, bitter Kola inside coconut water has a bunch of health advantages to humans, helps to boost libido and makes a man and even woman last long in bed.

Method of Preparation:

  1. Take big glass cup of about 1.5 liters
  2. Take 2 bitter kola remove the posterior shell and chop into thinnier pieces, drop them in the glass cup.
  3. Take the alligator pepper and grind into powder, pour a little bit of it in the glass cup.
  4. Pour the Coconut water inside and allow it to permeate for 12 hours.
  5. After 12 hours, drink it early in the morning on an empty stomach. You can add little honey to it, if you like it sweet.

2. Soak Bitter Kola In Coconut Water For 2 Days…for your libido

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Get seven nuts of Bitter kola, scrap the back off, Get a proportion of coconut water in cup.
Leave the seven Bitter Kola’s inside inside the Cocoanut water for three days and three nights, drink a small proportion of it in the morning and night. This will help treat your erectile dysfunction.

3. Mix Bitter Kola And Water Melon Seed In Water For 3days to improve your libido, treat your erectile dysfunction (impotence) and make you last longer in bed.

To prepare it, soak Bitter Kola and blend water melon seed in bitter lemon drink for 3 days and drink morning and night. This super combo is meant basically to boost your libido and make you last longer in bed. That is, it prevents premature ejaculation.

Be informed that this are not the only benefits of this combo. NGNEWS247.COM