how to save your marriage when you feel hopeless

Relationships do not always stay in the sea of roses. The routine, the challenges of life and the constitution of a family can bring negative feelings about the partner and love can cool down.

However, this is not a warning that everything is over and that there is nothing more that can be done but a divorce. There are many ways to regain the initial passion of dating and keep the relationship enjoyable for both.

These 8 simple attitudes can help in the recovery of marriage and in learning how to maintain for many years the love and commitment of each in the relationship:

1. Kissing

Proven by research, the constant and sincere kiss does very well to the couple and the relationship. A survey conducted at the University of Arizona showed that couples who were instructed to kiss each other more often had fewer stress problems and were more satisfied with their spouse. It was observed that these couples exercised more and fought less. The understanding was easier to see between them. Tests showed that their cholesterol was also lower compared to other couples.

2. Be a team

Abolishing the term “I” in thoughts and dialogue when referring to the couple and also in decisions encourages the brain to think that they are both part of each other. Using the term “knots” constantly strengthens the relationship and maintains it for a longer time.


3. Priority

In the world of technology and the thousand things to be done, considering the partner your priority is key to avoiding separation and disagreements. Leaving aside technological gadgets, paying proper attention to the spouse and maintaining a constant dialogue will make a huge difference.

4. Recognition

Proven through research, spouses who encourage and acknowledge the achievements of the other keep the marriage longer. Those who were indifferent and those who discouraged the deeds were not very happy.

5. Gratitude

Thank you for the small things, even if they are performed every day over 30 years of marriage is important and enjoyable. Thank you tickets can be left in strategic places, messages can be sent with words of gratitude. The important thing is for the partner to know that your spouse is grateful for the presence and effort you make.

6. Surprises

They are something that saves the marriage. Details that only the couple knows about themselves and actions that show how much the spouse knows and wants to please the other are perfect in this item. There is a lot of something unique and each one will know what a pleasant surprise.

7. Look at the other with love filter

A passionate couple is very easy to identify because the eyes shine when they meet. Even if the brightness does not exist anymore, looking at the person for whom the passion started the same way as before, that is, its attributes, qualities and virtues will help to improve the relationship. Any coexistence tends to show the person’s faults and close your eyes a little so this helps maintain the initial love.

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8. Welcome

When the couple reconnects after a separate time (at the end of a work day) it is easy to know if they are well or having difficulties in the relationship. The way they greet each other and pay attention to each other is clear. Therefore, an effort to receive the cheerful spouse and demonstrations of affection will maintain the longevity of the couple.

There is a lot that can be done, these 8 ways are well functional and when they occur consistently will bring greater happiness for the couple and satisfaction by being able to keep the marriage strong.