How to Manipulate a Manipulator & Escape their Manipulative Grasp

Wondering how to manipulate a manipulator? Don’t play their game anymore! It sounds easy, but identifying their manipulation can be the hardest thing.

You’re here to know how to manipulate a manipulator. But what is manipulation to you?

Is it obvious? Can you easily tell when it’s happening?

The truth is that real manipulation is often subtle and you might not be aware of the fact you’re being manipulated until very late in the day!

For instance, a narcissist is a master in the art of manipulation. This is someone who can twist a person around their finger without even raising an eyebrow, and it’s likely that the other person will be so enamored by them that they’re not even aware of what’s going on.

The most common form of manipulation is gaslighting. Again, this is something which narcissists use a lot, and it’s a way of getting another person to do what you want them to do or think what you want them to think, by twisting their thoughts and making them question their own sanity.

Harsh, right? The other worrying thing is that it’s surprisingly common.

The good news is that once you’ve opened your eyes and identified that you are indeed being manipulated, you can break away from the abuse. How? By learning how to manipulate a manipulator.

How to manipulate a manipulator comes down to two steps

Basically, in order to break free from the grasp of a manipulator,

– you first need to identify and come to terms with the fact that they’re manipulating you,

– and you then need to refuse to play their game.

Trust me, it will drive them crazy! You’re basically cutting off their manipulation supply and they have no idea what to do. They thrive on the ability to twist someone else to their own will. So when you open your eyes to what is going on and then actively refuse to be a part of it, you’ve won the battle.

Once you’ve realized what’s going on, depending upon how close you are to that person, give yourself a minute to understand it and come to terms with it. If this is a partner and someone you love and trust, it’s going to be hard to accept. However, accept it you must.

Then, it’s about learning how to manipulate a manipulator, by cutting off their manipulation supply.

#1 Stay out of their way. It might not be possible to do this completely. But as much as you possibly can, you need to avoid contact with the person who has been manipulating you. This will give you time to build up your strength and understand what is happening to you. By doing that, you become more confident and that helps you to deal with the situation from that point onwards.

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# 2 Learn the magic word – no. This is where it gets hard. If you’re someone who has a deeply-rooted need to please, learning to say ‘no’ is going to be difficult. However, it’s necessary. Practice until it rolls off the tongue, but refuse to play their game by simply saying ‘no’, in the firmest voice you can muster.

#3 Ignore their constant pleas. Once you say ‘no’ to a manipulator, they’re probably going to turn on the charm to try and lure you back. This is because they’ve figured out that you’re onto them. They know you’re trying to figure out how to manipulate a manipulator and they don’t want you to win.

The best way to deal with this is to try and avoid them some more and also ignore them. Visualize a brick wall between the two of you, an insurmountable wall that they cannot get through or over.

#4 Create your own boundaries. Know what you will accept and what you can’t. Then, set boundaries and make sure that you don’t deviate from them. Even if you deviate slightly, they’re going to sniff vulnerability and it’s going to cause them to step up their efforts.

Write them down if you have to, but make sure that you know what your boundaries are and that they’re firm in intention.

#5 Never be afraid to call them out. Learning how to manipulate a manipulator might also come down to you basically saying “hey pal, I know what you’re up to!” They’re not going to admit it, that’s for sure, but you calling them out on it might be enough to shake them a little.

#6 Separate your emotions. If in your efforts to learn how to manipulate a manipulator, the person in question who manipulates you is your romantic partner, this is going to be enough. It’s vital that you try and keep your emotions separate from this point onward.

You cannot have a healthy relationship with someone who is trying to manipulate you, and that means you need to draw a line under the situation and understand that you deserve better. Hard? Very, but again, very necessary.

#7 Focus on your own life. The healthiest and strongest thing you can do at this point is to turn your attention to yourself. Seek out help from your support network of family and friends, try and find a new hobby, immerse yourself in hobbies that you might have forgotten about, and maybe focus on your work for a while.

By doing this, you’ll build up your confidence, distract your mind and learning to overcome the manipulation you’ve been subjected to will become easier.

What does the future hold?

It’s not possible to stay with a manipulator if you want to be happy and comfortable in your relationship. You cannot change someone who finds it easy to manipulate another person this way, and if they’re a narcissist, you might as well wave goodbye now.

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However, it might not be your partner we’re talking about. You can be manipulated by absolutely anyone. It could be a family member, a friend, a colleague, or even a manager. If we’re talking about manipulation in a work setting, it’s vitally important that you keep records of whatever you encounter and ensure that you have proof of accountability if you’re involved in something and they attempt to steal your credit.

Having a backup will help you deal with the problem and overcome it in a professional setting such as this.

The issue with learning how to manipulate a manipulator is to keep in mind that you’re not attempting to manipulate them per se. It’s a false copy in many ways; you’re manipulating the situation for sure, but you’re not bowing down to their level.

Your main motivation is to break free and get away from the situation. You’re doing that by taking your focus away from the person, however hard that may be for you emotionally, and you’re focusing on yourself. It’s going to drive them crazy, most definitely, and they might even turn up the heat on their manipulation tactics a little. Be prepared but don’t be alarmed – you can overcome this by focusing on yourself.

Not every person who attempts to manipulate another is a narcissist. But if you do encounter someone like this, you need to be aware of how difficult it could become. Depending upon how narcissistic they are, this is someone who doesn’t like to let go and doesn’t like to give in.

If you refuse to bow down to their manipulative ways, they will see it as a personal slight. The answer? Strengthen your resolve even more.

Learning how to manipulate a manipulator really comes down to identifying what is going on and then doing your best to refuse to be a part of it for a second longer. Learning what is going on can be hard, and it’s important to give yourself time to come to terms with it. After that, untangle yourself and move on to something far more positive.