How To Look Cute And Melt Any Guy’s Heart Effortlessly

Want to be a cute chick who can make a guy go weak in his knees? Read these 25 cute flirty ways on how to look cute and melt a guy’s heart instantly.

Want to look cute and make any guy melt?

Well, here are 25 things that can do just that.

Before we go any further, you should know that cute doesn’t work for all the girls.

It’s all about the persona you create.

They work best for shy girls. If you aren’t a shy girl, well, you can try to be one when you’re trying to play cute and demure.

How to look cute and sweet

If you want to look cute and make a guy go awww, use these 25 tips and work them around your own personality.

It’ll work wonders in no time, and you’ll be more approachable and lovable just as soon as you try a few of these tips.

#1 Don’t try to look sexy.

Don’t behave in a sexy manner if you want to look cute.
Cute is fragile and nervous. Sexy is confidence and oomph. They don’t mix too well.

#2 Pastel shades.

Avoid bold colors in your wardrobe unless they’re subtle and blended with other colors. Pastels are softer on the eyes and they make you look soft and cuddly.

#3 Shift your weight.

Don’t stand firm in one spot when you’re standing and talking to a guy. Shift your weight from one foot to another now and then.

#4 Play with your hair while talking to him.

Tease your curls or let your fingers caress your tresses, especially when you’re thinking or deciding on something. You can also tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear when you feel awkward.

#5 Minimal makeup.

A lot of makeup can make you look sexy or glamorous. You’re not trying to be a seductress, so avoid heavy makeup. Stick with subtle hues and nude shades to enhance your innocence.

#6 Speak softly.

Don’t speak in a loud voice when you’re talking to a guy. Instead, speak in a soft, low tone. And smile just a little bit every time you say something to him.

#7 Be fun.

Always look at the bright side in life. Be happy and you’ll have a cheerful and positive face that draws people.

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#8 Smile. A lot.

A girl who smiles always seems more warm and approachable than girls who behave like snobs. Smile a lot. And look cute doing it either by scrunching your nose or curling your lip now and then *watch yourself in a mirror and perfect your cute smile*.

#9 Learn to blush.

Instead of punching a guy in his arm or shrugging your shoulders, blush coyly when you’re complimented instead of taking it in your stride.

#10 Don’t dominate the conversation.

A cute girl is rather shy. You may be smart and clever, but play along with the conversation and let the guy take the lead in asking you questions or making conversations.

#11 Subtle down.

While a quiet girl may intimidate a guy at first because he wouldn’t know what to talk about, he’ll feel more confident in the conversation as the minutes tick by. And the more comfortable you make a guy feel, the more he’ll fall for you.

#12 You can be shy.

Don’t try to be bold all the time. If you’re a naturally shy girl, it would be really easy for you to look cute all the time.

#13 Be subtly mischievous.

Pull his leg and have a lively laugh out of the blue when you’re talking to a guy. You’ll look so cute!

#14 Your attire.

Wear soft, flimsy fabrics that flow or drape over your body instead of dressing up in crisp, sharp clothes.

#15 The way you sit.

Keep your feet together and bring your hands close together near your knees when you’re sitting with a guy and having a conversation. You’ll look cute without even trying.

#16 Awkwardness.

It’s alright to feel awkward around a guy. In fact, that’ll make you look cuter. Instead of concealing your awkwardness, use it to your advantage.

#17 Your gaze.

Look down at your own feet coyly now and then in the middle of the conversation, and he’ll pursue you harder.

#18 Watch your hands.

Don’t move your hands about while talking to a guy. Keep them by your sides, or even better, interlace your fingers in front of your tummy.

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#19 Nod more than just your face.

Be fluid and flexible in your movements. Slightly move your back along with your facial movements when you nod an affirmative while talking to a guy.

#20 Eye contact.

Don’t fix your eyes onto his when you’re talking to a guy for any more than a few seconds. While confidence may make your intentions clear, playing cute and coy will make him work harder to get you to stare back into his eyes.

#21 Don’t pretend to be stupid.

A few girls may assume that guys like silly girls. While a guy may like that for the first few minutes, he’ll be bored in no time. Stupid is not cute. And don’t babytalk either. You’ll become annoying.

#22 Soft hairstyle.

Anything delicate makes you look cuter. Soft hairstyles that flow with your waves or even straight down your shoulder delicately make you look naturally sweet and cute.

#23 Don’t be aggressive in your body language.

Mute any exaggerated gestures and hand movements. Be gentle in your body language and delicate in your movements.

#24 Floral perfumes.

Wear sweet smelling perfumes that aren’t too rich or sensual. Fragrances that smell sweet and fruity add to your cute persona.

#25 Sound cute.

This may seem funny, but make cute noises when you bump into something or trip accidentally. A soft ouch or an oww makes you seem so much cuter.

These 25 tips on how to look cute are all you need to impress a guy in the very first glance and melt his heart. Use these tips and watch his interest in you peak in the very next conversation.