How To Know If A Girl Wants You To Make A Move On Her (8 Signs)

Have you ever held yourself back from making a move on a girl because you weren’t sure she liked you back? Use these 8 clear giveaways to know for sure!

As a dude, you probably know what it means to be called a “creep”� or “jerk”� for making a move on a girl whom you thought was into you. You may just have lousy timing or simply cannot tell when a girl is sending you flirtatious signs that beg for you to step it up a notch.

No matter how suave and experienced you are at picking up women, there is no denying that it is hard to tell if she really wants you to make a move. Every woman is different, so tactics and clues that helped you score with one woman may not work on another.

You may proclaim yourself to be the ultimate expert when it comes to the fairer sex, but a woman is undoubtedly a hard book to read. You may think you know what you are doing and when to do it, but come to think of it, do you really?

Can you really tell the difference between her being polite and an actual invitation for you to do more? The last thing that you want is to come on too strong and crush all hopes of ever being with her.

How to know that she wants you to make a move

A big problem that some men face is that they do not even realize when a woman is coming on to them. Unlike men, women prefer to take the subtler route. If you happen to come across a brazen woman who has no qualms about telling you that she is attracted to you and wants to take it to the next level, then good for you.

However, most of the women out there prefer dropping hints and letting you do all the work. Almost always, women like being doted on, and it’s no different when it comes to making a first move. Here are 8 of the top ways for you to tell that she is into you. If you come across one or more of the following signs, you should not have any problems scoring!

#1 Batting her eyelashes

Once you start noticing her fluttering her eyelashes at you ever so often, you can chalk that up as an indication that she is interested. However, hang in there and see if she exhibits other flirtatious signals before making a move. You want to make sure that she is indeed putting on the moves and that it has nothing to do with a dry contact lens.

#2 Getting comfortable

Another way to tell that she wants you to make a move is when she makes an effort to get comfortable. Once a woman settles down, you know that she is feeling great and does not plan on heading anywhere for the time being. An example is when she makes herself comfortable on the couch next to you. She may tuck her legs under her or wrap a blanket around her shoulders.
If you are out in public, she may hunker down on the barstool or seat next to you, engage you in conversation and not budge. If a woman chooses to make conversation with you in a social setting where she can have her pick of any guy she wants whilst doing anything else she feels like, you probably have it in the bag. Do not wait too long to make a move because she may just take it as a sign of disinterest on your part.

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#3 Touching

Women do not like making physical contact with someone whom they find disgusting, so if she touches you, even in jest, she does not find you repulsive. If she subtly touches you in the midst of conversation, she is unconsciously *or consciously* trying to get as close to you as possible. By touching you, whether it is on your arm, thigh, shoulder or back, she is sending signals to remind you that she is close by.

All she wants is to build awareness on her presence and to let you know that she is right there within touching distance. The gentle pressure of her fingertips on your arm should get you hot under the collar and raring to go, so do not be afraid to make a move.

#4 Brushing up

This ties in very closely with the point made above about touching. Women tend to use their bodies as a flirtation tool, so if she touches you or brushes up against you often, take it as a very good sign. If a woman brushes up against you more than twice in a short time space, you can be sure that it was not by accident. Be especially pleased if she uses her breasts to garner attention.

Whether they care to admit it, all men have a fascination with boobs and women know this. Pay attention to little hints such as her pushing her chest out, brushing her breasts against you, or pressing up against you for a hug that lasts longer than a conventional one. Once she busts out the twins, you know that she is begging for you to make a move.

#5 Eye contact

If you find her catching your eye and prolonging the act, you can be sure that she wants you to make a move. Women tend to look away from people whom they are not interested in as the last thing they want is to give creeps the wrong idea. So if you notice repeated eye contact coupled with smiling and nodding along to everything that you say, she likes you and is inviting you to do more.

#6 Cleavage action

Men love boobs and women know it. They tend to use their breasts as a weapon whilst flirting and what better way than to flaunt some cleavage? However, you have to remember that women are putting on a show only for selected men. So if she sticks her chest out more around you than say, the dude who tried to chat her up a minute ago, you probably have a higher chance of scoring than him.

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One way to test this theory out is to draw attention to it. Say something like,

“Wow, your body looks so sexy in that dress.”� If she does not act self conscious right after and refuses to readjust her top to cover up her cleavage, you have the green light to amp it up and make a move.

#7 Constant contact

A woman is hinting for you to make a move when she keeps in touch with you all the time. This includes odd hours of the day. If she replies to your 1am messages, or answers your call at 11:30pm, she is definitely interested. A woman is not going to egg you on to make a move and let you intrude on her space at weird hours if she does not want you there.

#8 Being alone with you

This applies to various settings and is a very clear sign on whether she likes you. It could be accepting a ride home with just the two of you in the car, calling you over to help her with a leaky faucet, dropping off cookies at your place, or simply being left alone at the bar with you while everyone else is dancing.

If a woman has not resisted being alone with you on more than two separate occasions, she is comfortable with you and wants you to make a move. A word of caution: do not get confused between her being friendly and her inviting you to do more. Pay attention and try to pick up at least a couple more signs from this list before making a move.

A simple way to tell that she is just not that into you is to note what she does when the two of you are alone. If she resorts to fiddling with her phone and taking phone calls, she is trying to diffuse the awkwardness of being around you solo. On the other hand, if she engages you in conversation whilst making plenty of eye contact, she likes you and is giving you the green light to take it a step further.

The next time you want to approach a girl, keep an eye on these 8 giveaways to see if the girl you like wants you to make a move on her. And if you do see these signs, don’t miss the opportunity!