How To Get A Girlfriend

We will teach you the best ways and tips with which you can get a girlfriend in high school or college whether you are shy, fat or if you think you are ugly.

There is now word like ugly because god has blessed everyone with certain qualities that adds beauty to its personality. Regardless of your looks or shyness, if you manage to become a confident guy then you will definitely get a girlfriend of your choice.

You have entered your high school or college and just like the movies and novels you are looking out to have a girlfriend. Maybe a half or a year has passed and you are still alone, while some of your friends already have a girlfriend. It is actually a simple task, but your thinking makes it difficult. Girls are so sweet and even they look for a boy that can take care of her, love her and make her feel special. Here are the tips that can help you to build your personality and confidently approach any girl you like and make her your girlfriend.

But, if you follow these simple steps, you will be on the right path to getting (and keeping) a girlfriend.

Step 1: Are You Really Ready For A Girlfriend?

Before you jump into the dating game, ask yourself these questions to see if you are ready for a girlfriend:

  • Is your life stable?
  • Are you over your ex?
  • Do you have plans/goals for the future?

Get these things in order and you’ll be ready to start looking for a girlfriend.

Step 2: Decide What Type Of Girlfriend You Want

Now, it isn’t a good idea to write out a list of criteria that you want in a girlfriend. If you stick to this list for your dream girl, then you will probably never find her. Worse, you will probably overlook some amazing women in the process.

However, it is good to have an idea of what type of girlfriend you are looking for, such as traits that you find attractive and things you won’t tolerate under any circumstances. For example, are you open to dating a woman who has a child? Would you date a vegetarian? Is it absolutely critical that your girlfriend shares your love or Star Wars figurines? Okay, that last one is probably really going to limit your prospects, but you get the idea.

Step 3: Get Your Image In Order

Health: Buy a few healthy recipe cookbooks and try a new recipe each week. Women find it incredibly s*xy when men know how to cook, so this is a win-win for your health and love life.

Wardrobe: No matter how stylish the clothes are, they will make you look disheveled if they don’t fit right. A surprising number of men make this mistake, especially overweight men who try to hide their bulk by wearing clothes which are too loose.

Hygiene: Good hygiene means more than just a daily shower. It means keeping your nails groomed and clean, trimming your pubic hair (she will thank you for this!), and learning how to properly use products like exfoliants.

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Hair: If you are still wearing the same cut you had 10 years ago, it is probably time to go to a salon (a real salon, not the #300 quick-cuts place in the mall) and have it updated. Male hair care also applies to facial hair (a bit of stubble is s*xy but it shouldn’t look like an overgrown forest) and eyebrows (if you look like you’ve got a squirrel sitting on your forehead, you’ll need to pluck!).

Step 4: Where To Look For A Girlfriend?

One of the biggest mistakes that men make when looking for a girlfriend is limiting themselves to bars and clubs. Yes, bars are a good place to meet girls, but not necessarily to meet a girlfriend. Instead of looking for a girlfriend in a bar, try places where you can get a sense of their personalities and interests. Here are some ideas:

  • Take a class, like that pottery class your local community center offers
  • Volunteer for a good cause
  • Join a club, like a hiking club or foreign language club
  • Go to book readings or art openings

Step 5: Exude Confidence

There is nothing more attractive to women than confidence. If you are really ready for a girlfriend (emotionally stable, thinking of the future…), then you should have every reason to be confident. Before approaching a woman you are attracted to, give yourself a little pep talk.

Confidence is not the same as being boastful or cocky. So, don’t feel like you’ve got to proclaim all of the reasons you have to be confident. The best way to project confidence is to be positive. Never belittle yourself. Compare these two examples:

“I work as a programmer. You don’t want to hear about it; it’s boring.”

“I work as a programmer. It is great because the work is so challenging and the field is always changing.”

Who do you think the woman would want to go out with?

Step 6: The Art Of Flirting

Flirting is nothing more than honestly and openly showing your interest in someone. This can be as simple as making eye contact with a woman to let her know you are interested. Flirting becomes an art form when you do things to show the woman that you are interested in only her.

So, how do you make a woman feel like she is the only woman in the room, like a goddess? You treat her that way!

Only look at her. Ignore all of the other women in the room.

Be original with your compliments. Instead of saying something obvious like, “You have pretty eyes”, say something like “I love the way your blouse accentuates your beautiful shoulders”. Yes, complimenting her shoulders really works!

Remember everything she says and then casually bring it up again later.

Try getting to know her instead of trying to get her number.

Step 7: Ask Her On A Date

Once you find a girl that you like, this is no time to be wishy-washy! Women like a man who is confident and takes charge. If you already know her from a social situation, like taking a class together, then approach her directly and ask her if she’d like to go on a date with you.

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Be clear that it is a date, and not just some friendship outing. It helps if you tell her exactly what the date is: “Would you like to go out with me on Saturday? We can see the new Johnny Depp film and then check out that Thai place afterwards.” Women will be more likely to say yes when they have a clear idea of what to expect instead of a fumbling, “Uh, you wanna do something together on Saturday?”

Step 8: Know The Dating Rules

Never Talk About Your Ex: It shows that you aren’t ready for a relationship and have baggage to deal with

Listen: This is the best way to show you are interested in the woman and respect her. Make sure that you ASK QUESTIONS and she will be flattered.

Don’t Get Drunk: Sloppiness is never attractive!

Give Her Your Undivided Attention: That means turning off your phone while on the date!

Don’t Insist On Paying: Instead, offer to pick up the bill in a nonchalant way such as, “I asked you out, so I will get it this time.”

Always follow up after the date with a phone call: Don’t follow up with text messages or emails.

Step 9: Cut The Game Playing Already

Games are fun in the bedroom, but they are childish and immature when you play them in your relationships. What types of games are we talking about? How about anything you do to:

  • Make her feel jealous
  • Play hard to get
  • Make her wait (like waiting to return calls or purposely being late)
  • Act macho
  • Put her down (like saying she’d look better with a different hair color)
  • Pretend you care more than you really do

Step 10: Your Girlfriend Shouldn’t Be Your Entire Life

When you start dating a woman, it is important that you still make time for your hobbies, interests, and friends. If you give up your life to focus on the girl, you run the risk of overwhelming her. You will also seem desperate, and the combination of overwhelming and desperate is sure to send any woman running.

Your girlfriend should be part of your life, not your entire life. By working on building a life that a woman would like to be part of, you increase your chances of keeping your girlfriend and having a healthy relationship.