How To Be Chivalrous With A Girl Using The Code Of Modern Chivalry

Want to know how to be chivalrous? Here’s a history on how it all began and how you can impress a girl today using the code of modern chivalry.

Before you understand how to be chivalrous in these modern times, you need to know what a woman expects from a man and what you can do to be that man.

Reflecting back on medieval times, can a man really be that chivalrous today or would that just be considered stupid?

How to be chivalrous

Many centuries ago, when the kings ruled, knights of valor and honor tread the earth.

They left behind a legacy of chivalry and love. Women still want that.

Unfortunately, the men of today don’t know what that legacy was all about, and most men have no idea about the revered Code of the Knights.

But then again, what is it with women these days?

On one hand, they swoon over men who show the slightest bit of chivalry, and on the other, women seem to be killing chivalry slowly!

To be quite realistic, chivalry is indeed dead.

Back in the days of yore, men knew how to be chivalrous. Knights used to take off their cloak and drop it over a puddle so their lady wouldn’t dirty her feet. They used to pick up a damsel’s scarf when she dropped it on the ground in a trice. Can men really do that today?

Learning to be chivalrous through experiences

The last time I actually helped a pretty girl pick up an entire bag of grocery she had dropped, all she did was give me one smug glance and walk away, like I was her blooming man-servant or something.

And I remember a friend of mine who gave his date his overcoat because it was drizzling quite a bit. At first, he told me that she was all smiles and giggles while walking down the street. When they finally rushed into a restaurant down the street, the drizzle had turned into a downpour. They walked into the restaurant and his date took off his overcoat to reveal a clean dress, whereas, he on the other hand, was sodden and wet. And the worst part of it all was that his date was quite uncomfortable to get close to him or acknowledge the fact that he was drenched to the bone because he gave his coat to her.

Instead of being thankful, she was actually miffed and sarcastically ridiculed him for being drenched and embarrassing her at the restaurant. That day, he gave up on figuring out how to be chivalrous and made up his mind never to try being the knight in shining armor.

So who do we blame for the death of chivalry, us men, or the typical woman who always seems to have a problem with the lack of a chivalrous streak in men? Well, all I can say here is, “don’t hate the games, hate the damn rules!”

Women and their ways with chivalry

Strangely, women can be really weird at times. And it’s quite hard to please them when we just don’t know whether they’re looking for a guy with a chivalrous streak in them or not. We have those damsels-in-distress that just can’t imagine their life without a chivalrous man. And they are usually the ones that get pissed off if you don’t wipe their seat before they park their backsides, or get totally upset and act aloof if you don’t pull a chair back for them or hold the door open.

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Now I appreciate this kind of woman. As demanding as she seems, she would acknowledge your gesture, or at least know deep inside that you care (hopefully?). If she doesn’t seem to care, then just cut down your chivalrous moves. Blame your loss of chivalry on her, which is the real truth anyways, because she didn’t give a damn when you were being nice, so why care.

On the other hand, we have the I’m-an-effing-feminist woman. She’s usually the one who would walk right up ahead of you at a restaurant and open the door herself while you try catching up, or the one who just can’t digest the fact that you’re stepping aside so she can enter the elevator first.

She’d just assume that you want to check her ass as she walks ahead! She’s also the one who gives you a weird stare when you hold the door open for her. Of course, she thinks you think that she’s just too weak to open the door herself!

So how the hell do you figure out how to be chivalrous and show that you respect a woman? Well, it’s pretty simple really. Just be really nice to her however she behaves. Just like how we have a streak of chivalry in us, women too have a streak of I-want-to-be-pampered in them. So irrespective of whether she thinks you’re checking her ass or not, be courteous. So what if you’re checking her ass, let her know it’s hot! But if she’s the damsel-who-loves-chivalry, do be a lot more chivalrous than you’ve ever been. She’ll love you for it, and you’ll feel really good about it.

Chivalry and a woman’s friends

So you want to date a woman and impress her? The first thing you need to know is how to be chivalrous, and the second thing you need to know is that women always need reassurance. Women need their friends’ opinion before they step out in a new dress. They need to have a majority vote before deciding the place to have a quick lunch. And about whether the lunch has to be quick or not, well, now that too needs a vote of reassurance.

So what makes you think you’re any different?! Now let’s try figuring out what happens in your date’s life after your first coffee date. She hops, skips and jumps back to her place or to a friend’s place. All her friends want to know all the details. So it’s either a group chat or a huddle. And everything is discussed in intricate detail.

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This is when your chivalry comes into the picture. Irrespective of whether your damsel has noticed it or not, her friends will.

I remember one time when I had a first date. I was being exceptionally nice to her, but she just didn’t acknowledge it one bit. I didn’t give up though. I kept up with the nice me in everything I did with her. I dropped her back to her place, headed back to mine and wondered if I made any impact on her. I don’t know how it happened, but she actually texted me that very night, and soon we started going out. I later found out that her friends had convinced her that I was a nice guy and asked her to call me back. Apparently, they thought I was the damn definition of a chivalrous knight!

I mean, how hard can it be to dust her seat, pull a chair back, give her your coat, and hold the door open for her? But you see, doing that made all the difference. The moral of this? Even if she doesn’t show her appreciation, don’t give up on figuring out how to be chivalrous. Her friends might see your chivalrous nature as a sign of gentlemanly behavior.

Chivalry, women and your daily life

Chivalry is a way of life, and one that can help you show the woman with you that you respect her and appreciate her company. Understanding how to be chivalrous isn’t just a way to impress women. It makes you a man of principle and can make you a better man who’s appreciated and trusted by the people around you.

A few women may think you’re being ridiculous by being chivalrous or by trying to please them with chivalry. But truth be told, they’ll regret having walked out of your life someday.

Knowing how to be chivalrous isn’t an art to please women, it’s a way of life to appreciate the people around you. And if a woman you’ve dated prefers to lead an unhappy life with a man who doesn’t appreciate her or respect her for what she’s worth, it’s something she’ll come to regret eventually.

So if anyone ever tells you that chivalry is dead, don’t think twice about it. Chivalry may be dying all around you, but one chivalrous knight is all it takes to make falling in love a fairytale experience for that special woman in your life.

Knowing how to be chivalrous is easy if you understand the real essence of chivalry.