How to Avoid Rape on College Campus

The majority of college rapes happen during the first few weeks of freshman or sophomore year, and the first few days of freshman year are the riskiest, according to the Department of Justice. “Because incoming college freshmen are navigating an unfamiliar environment, it’s more difficult for them to identify potential dangers and protect themselves,” says Peter Lake, PhD, director for the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy at Stetson University and author of Beyond Discipline.

A big part of being able to recognize a risky situation is listening to your gut when something feels off—for example, noticing if you get a sketchy vibe from a guy. But since nothing about the college scene is “normal” yet for newbies, they have trouble picking up on those subtle warning signals. Plus, most freshman haven’t formed strong friend groups yet, so they’re more likely to get separated from the pack at parties. Stay safe with these tips from RAINN (The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network), the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization:

1. Scope out your campus. Whether you’re walking home from the library or a party, learn the safest way back to your residence: a well-lit route where there are people around and/or blue light emergency call boxes (identifiable by a blue light, these phones will connect you immediately with campus safety officials).

2. Trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe, or even just uncomfortable, go with your gut—leave the frat party, tell the dude you were flirting with that you don’t want to go home with him, whatever. Don’t worry about what others think or whether you’ll hurt someone’s feelings; your safety comes first.

3. Use your cell phone as a safety tool. Make sure it’s fully charged before you go out, and if you find yourself in a sketchy situation—for example, a dorm party with a guy who gives you a bad vibe—shoot a quick text to a friend, asking her to pick you up. (Rapists target women who are alone.) Also, prior to heading out to parties, make a plan to meet up with your friends at a specific time and location at the end of the night, just in case your phone dies.

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4. Be mysterious online. Think twice before leaving status or away messages and when using the check-in feature on Facebook or Foursquare. Posting your whereabouts exposes details that are accessible to everyone, and allows people to track your movements. Think of it like this: If you wouldn’t reveal the info to a stranger, then don’t put it on your profile.

5. Don’t totally let your guard down until someone has earned your trust. It’s easy to feel a false sense of security at college, but assuming people you’ve just met will look out for your best interests can have dangerous consequences. Remember that they’re essentially strangers—that the seemingly-sweet guy on the track team who lives down the hall might not be as nice as he appears. In fact, the majority of sexual assaults are committed by someone who the victim knows.

6. Tell a lie. If you find yourself in a potentially risky situation and aren’t sure how to get out of it, make up an excuse as to why you have to go.

7. If you see something, say something! Intervene if you witness an encounter that looks like another student’s safety could be at risk. Let’s say a guy is chatting up a super drunk girl and you get a bad feeling. Step in and tell him you’re going to take her back to her dorm or apartment, or call one of her friends to come help her out. By taking action you can prevent a horrible crime from being committed. Should things escalate, remember that you can also contact your RA or campus police.

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8. Stick with your friends. Arrive together, check in with one another throughout the night, and leave together. If, for whatever reason, you do separate, let them know where you are going and who you are with.

9. Choose your cocktail carefully. Don’t accept a bevvie from anyone you don’t know or trust and never leave your drink unattended. If you have left it alone, get a new one. Always watch your drink being prepared, and at parties, avoid common open containers like punch bowls.

10. Always have your friends’ back. If one of your girls seems out of it, is way too intoxicated for the amount of alcohol she’s had, or is acting out of character, get her to a safe place. If you suspect that you or a friend has been drugged, call 911. Be explicit with doctors about what happened and how you’re feeling so they can give the correct tests.