How Many Times Can JAMB Change of Course & Institution / Data Correction Be Done

This article is designed for all JAMB aspirants who are interested in doing change of course or change of institution or both and would want to know how many times he or she can perform that action o JAMB portal.

Because of this, a lot of JAMB candidates has raised lots of questions concerning JAMB change of course and institution. Some of those questions are:

How Many times can JAMB change of institution be done? How many times can someone do change of course ? and also, the one use as the title “Can JAMB change of course be done twice”?

Why do candidates ask this question? Though we can’t fully get the reason in every ones heart as to why they would want to do change of course or change of institution twice, but we do know its due to one making the wrong choice of course or institution and later regretting the choices and would want to change to another option.

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No that we have known what people ask about JAMB change of course and institution, lets proceed to answer the question of today’s discussion.

Can JAMB Change of Course/Institution Be Done Twice? The answer is YES. Change of course or institution can be done twice. This means that those who made mistake in their choice of course or institution while doing the first change of course or institution can be able to correct it for the second time.

From this article, we have established that JAMB change of course and institution can be done twice just like its mentioned above. ”

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However, note that you will also be charged extra or another N2,500 to do another change just like the first one.