How Did Lewis Banham Die? Veteran Despatch Rider Cause of Death Explained

Lewis Banham, a veteran of World War II who served in the 15th Scottish Division’s 44th brigade starting in 1942, passed away.

How Did Lewis Banham Die?

Lewis Banham, a veteran despatch rider from D-Day who turned 100 this week, passed away on December 7, 2022.

Lewis Banham Cause of Death

Lewis Banham cause of death was not disclosed yet. There are no information available about Lewis Banham cause of death. have been trying to reach out to the family and relatives for comment on the incident. So far no responses have been received. We will update the page once enough information is available. More information on Lewis Banham cause of death will be added soon.

Who was Lewis Banham?

Lewis Banham was born in Bacup, and he wed his girlfriend Bessie there in the Congregational Church off South Street, three weeks before he was called up for National Service in 1942.

He served in the 15th Scottish Division’s 44th brigade starting in 1942. He was at Schwerian on the River Elbe in Germany when VE Day was proclaimed.

Lewis, part of the fifth wave to land on D-Day, arrived in Europe in 1944.

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“Old Faithful” Bike

On his 500cc BSA M20 motorcycle, which he dubbed “Old Faithful,” he travelled throughout Europe after landing on Gold Beach in Normandy on June 6, 1944, carrying crucial communications to the front line.

He was a courier rider in the Signals.

Despatch Rider

Lewis Banham, a despatch rider for the Signals, was in one of the first brigades to hear the news that the war was over.

He served in the 44 Brigade of the 15th Scottish Division and was present when VE Day was declared in Schwerian on the River Elbe in Germany while inside a residence the British forces had taken over.

He remembered,

“When cease-fire came the guns went silent and I could hear all the birds chirping; I had not heard them for so long because of the gunfire. It was a wonderful sound to me.”

“It felt grand knowing that I could go out on my motorbike without fear of possibly being hit by a bullet.

“There was relief among the soldiers and we had a celebration.”

“I can still see the house. We had billeted in a semi with a little garden, it had three bedrooms and there were four of us living there – three upstairs and one downstairs, that was me and I slept on a window seat.”

“I had taken the cushions off the sofa to make a bed and the lady who used to live in the house came back and removed them. When I told her what I needed them for she replaced them and left me six eggs, I guess as a peace offering.”

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In the fifth wave of troops to touch down on the Normandy Beaches on D-Day, Lewis arrived in Europe in June 1944.

From there, he rode his dependable BSM20 motorcycle around Europe, delivering messages to the front line. Nearly a year after the war ended, he was still using the motorcycle.

VE Day

Lewis relocated to Baad Segeburg shortly after VE Day, where the army once more occupied civilian homes.

He remembered how they later gave the homeowners back control of their gardens and vegetable care.

He remembered,

“I remember the lady of the house had a son Klaus, he was about six, and I would give him chocolate and he was delighted.

“His mum would look after the garden and she also took away my washing and brought it back clean and ironed. Not every body’s in the house – just mine.”