How Can I Remove Lust From My Mind?

Lust is the mother of all sexual sins. If you can overcome lust, you will be able to overcome fornication, masturbation, adultery etc.

According to Pastor Bisi Adewale Lust is a burning, passionate, and over-powering desire to satisfy one’s sexual appetite. Lust is selfish, wicked and destroys one’s spiritual life faster than any other thing.

Best Ways to Fight Lust and Lustful Thoughts

But the good news is that, as deadly and over-powering as lust could be, it could be dealt with and avoided in order not to destroy your life.

Below are some of the ways of dealing with lust:

Be in charge of your eyes: Discipline your eyes from seeing, viewing things that are seductive. Avoid pornography.

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Be careful about what you hear: Listen to inspiring messages and music, avoid immoral messages, and discipline your ears.

Take charge of your thought life: Never allow your thought to control you. Rise up against any evil thought, verbalize your conviction to counter what has been dropped into your heart, use auto suggestion, preach to yourself, quote scriptures and pray.

Allow the Holy spirit to take over in your life: Give room to the holy spirit to reign supreme in your life. He is the only one that can strengthen all your weaknesses, sustain and stabilize you.

Your greatest weapon against lust is not the one you use when you are tempted but the one you’ve used before the temptation. Your ability to overcome lust will depend on the scripture in you.