How 6-Year-Old Boy Earns $11 million Yearly (All adult need to read this)

A six year old boy has prove to the World that earning big is not just for the adult alone,Children can also make as much as $11 million a year.

As reported by , Ryan, who features on Ryan ToysReview, raked in $11 million from June 2016 to June 2017, according to Forbes.

It ranked him joint eighth on the list of highest paid YouTubers last year.

But he has some way to go if he wants to reach Daniel Middleton (aka TheDiamondMinecart), who earned $16m (£12m) in ad revenue for his Minecraft videos.

Ryan’s family are pretty happy with what he brings in after starting his YouTube channel in 2015 when he was just three years old.

His mum Loann, a former science teacher, quit her job and started working on his account when she realised how much money could be made.

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Ryan now has ten million followers.

His mother told TubeFilter: ‘Ryan was watching a lot of toy review channels — some of his favourites are EvanTubeHD and Hulyan Maya — because they used to make a lot of videos about Thomas the Tank Engine, and Ryan was super into Thomas.

‘One day, he asked me, ‘How come I’m not on YouTube when all the other kids are?’ So we just decided — yeah, we can do that.

Then, we took him to the store to get his very first toy — I think it was a Lego train set — and it all started from there.’

The video that launched him was his Giant Egg Surprise review, which can be seen in this article.

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Loann has set up a trust fund for Ryan and his twin sisters, Emma and Kate.

Her and her husband Sean are also putting some of his earnings into a savings account for their college fees.