10 Ultimate Tips To Get A Guy’s Attention Over Instagram Without Using Your Body

It’s the Insta era. Somehow that means the answer to knowing how to get a guy’s attention on Instagram is to get naked. But listen, there are other ways.

Yes, yes, yes. I am fully aware of the frustration of Instagram “likes” and learning how to get a guy’s attention on Instagram can be freaking exhausting. It is just so crowded with girls just like you trying to do the same thing. Since I’m a blogger, and a Public Relations graduate, Instagram is sort of my thing. I’ve done so much research on how to get more likes, more followers, more engagement, etc. It is seriously exhausting.

Girls post a photo of their avocado toast with no filter, and they can post it whenever they want to post it, and they get 300 likes. Me? I filter my photo to match my Instagram theme, post it at the exact time that my followers are online based on my analytics, tag accounts in the photo, geotag the photo, use relevant hashtags, etc., etc., etc. You know what I get? Oh, I don’t know, 50 likes? It is so, so frustrating.

But you know what happened yesterday? My girls and I went to the beach and decided to feel liberated and take topless photos. Slow your roll, dudes, you can’t see a thing in the photos. *The photos were taken from behind*. But anyways, you know how many likes that photo got? Almost 200. HELLO. Welcome to the internet. I hope you enjoy your stay. You might need to do some yoga to destress from it, dang.

Top tips for how to get a guy’s attention on Instagram

Anyways, I’m on a mission to help you and ME get the attention of our fellow Instagrammers, specifically the guys. So, let’s get to it, shall we?

#1 Take photos of your face.

Studies show that photos with faces in them do exponentially better than photos that don’t have faces in them. It makes sense if you think about it. Our generation relates to other people, so seeing a face WORKS. And guys? They definitely want to see your face, because, girl, you’re cute!

#2 Use a saucy caption.

Don’t just log into Pinterest and find a profound quote to put as your caption under your Instagram photo. If you want to know how to get a guy’s attention on Instagram you need to be saucy and flirty. Get his attention – maybe a saucy lyric or something? Get creative.

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#3 Use a funny caption.

This is the other option for a caption that will definitely get a guy’s attention on Instagram. Just be funny! Guys like to make girls laugh, but on the flip side, a guy will appreciate a funny gal, so BE FUNNY.

#4 Follow them.

Maybe it’s just the guys that I am friends with, but every single time a girl follows them on Instagram, they go “Oh, who’s this. I don’t know them. They just followed me.” I don’t think they really understand that Instagram isn’t Facebook. People will follow you that you don’t know.

Anyways, if you follow him on Instagram, he is going to notice you! Chances are, he doesn’t get a ton of cute girls following him on Instagram, so you’re going to stand out.

#5 Like a bunch of his photos.

This is a ballsy move, but if you’re feeling brave enough, go for it! There is seriously no way that he ISN’T going to notice you when his feed is full of likes from you. This shows him that you are confident and bold, which is a quality that many men look for in a woman. Be bold ladies.

#6 Like an OLD photo.

Even more ballsy than the last one. Scroll down to the bottom of his feed, and like a photo. This is going to bring it up in his feed and this shows that you really scrolled to find this photo. Proceed with caution with this one because he might think it is funny. Also, he might just think you are crazy. So, like be careful with this one, but if you can pull it off then, GO GIRL!

#7 Occasionally comment on his photos.

Don’t get crazy, but comment on some of his photos. While it might be uncommon for cute girls to follow him on Instagram, I guarantee it is even more uncommon for cute girls to comment on his photos. Also, don’t just comment something lame, comment something that he will have to respond to, even if his response is just “thanks!” If you want to know how to get a guy’s attention on Instagram, make sure you comment something that’s attention grabbing!

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#8 Slide into his DM’s.

Ha, classic. For real, ladies, it couldn’t hurt! We’re almost two decades into the 2000s, you no longer have to wait for the guy to come to you! Be bold, and message him first. Message him about a recent post, or just say hey. If you’re feeling really bold tell him that you think he’s cute, or cool, or whatever, man! This is a surefire way to get noticed because unless he is a celebrity, his DM’s probably aren’t full of messages from girls!

#9 Don’t post too often.

If you post four selfies a day, he’s not going to be interested. I’ll just be honest. Guys like a humble girl, and if you are posting that many selfies, he is going to get tired of seeing them. If you don’t post as often, he will be excited when you DO post.

Also, if you post less often, it gives the appearance that you live a busy life and you just couldn’t be bothered to post on Instagram. Make him pay attention to you by posting less often. Works every time!

#10 Post cute Instagram stories.

Instagram has changed their algorithm recently, so your actual posts are seen by your followers a lot less than they used to be. Instagram stories have taken over Instagram because they still are seen in chronological order, and this means that if you post on your story, chances are he WILL see your post. Take a cute boomerang of your outfit or a kissy face. Just be cute.

Now that you know how to get a guy’s attention on Instagram, you can go out there and get yourself a date, girlfriend. GO, GO, GO.