The exorbitant rental prices of accommodation at the off-campus area seem to have been fairly minimized as the Students’ Union negotiated with landlords of the areas to ensure a downward review.

This negotiation was disclosed in a press release by the Union, jointly signed by the President, Com. Adeyinka Olaseinde and the Public Relations Officer, Com. Ayomide Fowowe.

The press release explained how the downward review was achieved through a joint-committee.

“Students welfare as a sense of responsibility led us to ensuring a downward review of off campus accommodation fee.

“Sequel to this, a committee of five was set up comparising of three members from the executive arm of the union, a member from Student Representative Council and one appointed member by the president of the same union.

“Consequently, upon the conclusion of the second semester examination, the commitee commence moves to ensure a review in the fee of off campus accommodation”, the release stated.

It further stated that “series of meeting was held with South, North gate and west gate landlord associations, with management of the University dully represented in the meetings”.

The Union also narrated how the task was an arduous one, as the committee members were extremely abused and cursed.

It however added that they kept the resilience on, in negotiation.

“We made them realise that without students the house they all built is useless and also the orientation pictured by them, that; ‘students have no choice’, should not be an avenue for them to extort”, the release read.

The Union further encouraged the Landlords to embrace peaceful coexistence in the University community.

While announcing the outcome of the negotiation, the Union said, “we wish to inform futarians at large that after series of contemplation and deliberation between the three bodies involved, we were able to reach consensus and terms were agreed”.

The Union then “implore all fresh students and stalites that is seeking for accommodation to delay for the main time, as the Resolutions of the house rents would be released in due time”.

The release further appreciated the landlord associations at FUTA area and the school management for their roles at ensuring the success of the negotiation.

In its admonition, the Union urged students to be prudent and cautious in securing accommodation in the off-campus areas.

The Union did not fail to wish futarians “the best in this yuletide season”.

It will be recalled that the Former President of the Union, Com. Oluwaseun Fowobaje had called on the stakeholders to look into the exorbitant rents in the University community.

Meanwhile, students interested in securing accommodation through the union, can contact the Financial Secretary, Com. Balotopsy on +2348145171571.

Alamu Tosin

The writer is Alamu Tosin. I have three strong passions in life — football, blogging and movies — in that order. I love spending time with friends talking about the important things in life and hate nothing more than ‘authority’ and hypocrisy. My personal believe in life is that once an individual sets his/her mind to achieve something, it is totally possible. And oh!, I am a strong Lannister, because I always pay my debt. For writing or fixing gigs, contact tosinalamu@gmail.com.