15th March 2018 is FPE SUL decides, as we Observe another electoral exercise in the campus of federal polytechnic Ede,apparently the next generation of leaders and young people are a powerful force in today’s political Scene,and that’s why a campus like ours must have a mechanism in place for an organised political/unionism culture, Where the pendulum will swing for the FPE SUL election has been a burning issue of discourse in the campus of Federal polytechnic Ede,as election will unfold in the tight contest today.

You will resoundingly concur that education includes fields such as political studies and innumerable politicians today have entered the mainstream through their student activism and students’ unions are politicized bodies, and often serve as a training ground for aspiring politicians . Students’ unions generally have similar aims irrespective of the extent of politicization, usually focusing on providing students with support, and services,in this sense, it can be said that politics itself is steeped in the educational process. federal polytechnic Ede Students union leadership election day as always been a day of hodgepodge of races however campus elections are unfortunately marred by violence and students “are definitely on the front lines” of it,of which the goal of inciting violence is to disrupt the electoral process or to repress voter turnout and that why i expound this FPE SUL 18′ election has a litmus test for the security of the School,history proven that
the campus seemed to be so much volatile in terms of security doing period like this and as such today’s election should be conducted with utmost security consciousness to avoid break down of law and order in the campus of Federal polytechnic Ede,
,and Urge the electorates not to engage in any form of political violence as we are the future leaders of this country and as such, there is no reason whatsoever for us to engage in any form of violence.” “a nation that divided against itself will surely fall” this is logical enough we the youth are the nation and a nation that’s at cross – purposes with itself will fall,subsequently,seize the medium to call on the good students of Federal polytechnic Ede to come out en masses,come out as a matter of duty and vote for their candidates however I want to
express confidence in the ability of the student’s Electoral body (ISEC) in Federal polytechnic Ede as a conduct of credible election is fundamental, free and fair elections are important because with a vote comes a voice and critical development efforts cannot succeed without a legitimate and democratically elected government that is responsive and accountable to its citizens.”

To the electorates, identify the candidates that possess views similar to yours and consider competency.

Above all, being at the hem of affair at FPE SUL is not a do or die ,either you win or lose, however let not forget that tommorow is not far – fetching and all the flowers of tomorrow are in the seed of today, losers should note that some silver linings are likely to emerge after it seems over “every exit is an entry somewhere ” irrespective of the outcome of the election keeping together is progress and working together is success of FPE SUL. I submit tentatively ✍🏼

Adejayan Gbenga