FPE SU Met Rector In A Close Door Meeting To Dialogue Examination Extension By Reporter G. Song

FPE SU Met Rector In A Close Door Meeting To Dialogue Examination Extension By Reporter G. Song

Criticism of some critics students of Federal Polytechnic Ede encompasses a wide range of sentiments about the actions,in – actions and policies of the present SUL leadership led by Comr. Danlab.

Few days, after the change of mantle at FPE SUL some students have ratcheted up flimsy criticism against the newly installed FPE SUL leadership manned by Comr. Danlab of inability to propitiate and satiate student’s demands, following an ordeal of postponement or non – postponement of the 17/18 academic session first semester examination Scheduled for 3rd of April.

The student union of Federal Polytechnic Ede under the leadership of comr.Danlab as against censure Cross their bridge when they come to it, met with the Rector Dr John Taiwo Adekolawole, with a view to postpone the 2017/18 first semester examination which has been a bottleneck on the students of Federal Polytechnic Ede.

As student’s remarks apparently struck a cord with the management for neglecting their demand, “postponement of the first semester examination” to shifting the dates of their examinations by a week , in order to give room for students to settle down and prepare for the said examinations.

As the FPE Student Union seems to have demonstrated enough patience and thus yesterday acted most appropriately in line with its mandate as a student union, accustomed that If not addressed and demand met, dear students will be left with no option but discomfiture, faux pas, heartburn and an academic flash in the pan.

However the FPE SUG leadership yesterday reacted immediately to what is felt as a slight,set up a NEEDS assessment team convened and pushed for postponement of the examination: to draw the authority’s attention to the discomfort that will be posed by the early stipulated date,

Arguing that the board’s decision to fix the date of the examination for that date was not in the best interest of the candidates, the SU said the students needed enough time to complete the syllabus before sitting the examination while some are even still writing assignment and test.

FPE student’s Union however warned that the institution might witness mass failure ; if the management went on to hold the examination as scheduled.

Similarly, in a close door meeting at the rector’s residential, the close door meeting became heated as both parties strongly differed on areas of agreement while the well – embracing rector Dr. John Taiwo Adekolawole reiterated that the exam will not be shifted for any reason further stressed that the Head of departments, deans accepted the development and approved it to normalise the calendar, opined that the examination timetable had long been pasted exactly a month to the exam and that some students would have been prepared and it will not speak well for those ones, for the postponement proposal, the level of implementation has, however, been a source of disagreement.

However, in another development to the issue of payment of school fees he emphasized that he will again give in to the students agitation by allowing students who have there money to continue with their registration and pay ahead of the exam date to the HOD and fill a form or if they don’t have it yet find a lecturer to vouch and sign for them to do the exams.

Subsequently, though students are always at the receiving end nevertheless we have had years of spilling academics calendar yet a students tool approach method (protest) of aluta struggle is not the best option as it can only draw us back to retrogression leading to the closure of the school,then the conundrum to ask will be who feels the heat, the students or management?

“Though a leader is a dealer in hope yet authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe without an edge, fitter to bruise than polish.”

The rationalism of the leadership of FPE SUL grok this and has chosen the round table approach instead of counterrevolution ascribed as aluta struggle with the management.

Moreover, the Danlab led administration has embarked and demonstrated laudable efforts to meet demands of students making the rounds, the Age of Reason has turned out to be the Age of Structure, we must be logical and stop criticism a Leadership that espies the future and not present situation as authority and power are two different things: power is the force by means of which we can oblige others to obey you. Authority is the right to direct and command, to be listened to or obeyed by others. Authority requests power, no SUL is totally independent, it has to be partly connected constitutionally, let embrace this administration and produce the best of it…
I submit tentatively✍

Adejayan Gbenga