FPE SIMS: Download, Install And Print
FPE SIMS is the system programmed for the optimisation of the School information and communication technology infrastructure.
FPE SIMS will enable students and lecturers to perform a wide range of activities, said it features administrators modules which include the system administrator whose operation is for the head of Department, Class advisers, lecturers in charge of courses.
How to Download And Install the FPE SIMS
- Click this link to download the app >> Download from Play store
- Install the app on your device by follow your device instructions.
- After the installation completed
- Click OPEN display button
- The app will ask of your permission, I knew you may be scare of malicious matters, you know what grant it, by click ALLOW
- Login page will display to you, enter your login details and click LOGIN. Wait for the app to authenticate.
- You will now redirect to your student dashboard page
- At the bottom of the app student dashboard, their are numerous bottom like: course registration, Result checking, Document Downloads, Evaluation Tests, Setup. But today I will like to focus on exam slip downloading stuff.
- Before you will allow to download your exam slip, will be redirect to carryout the evaluation tests, by answer some questionnaire, just answers the questions with care and consideration for each of your course lecturers.
- Longpress on the evaluation test button,and the server will load and you will direct to the evaluation test page as seen below
- Long press on each of your course and questionnaire page will display as below. Follow the same instructions till its done
- Click NEXT button till the you done with the questionnaire and click the Submit Button.
- Now after done with evaluation test, You will have access to your documents download page.
- Long press on it and the page will display you
- Click on EXAMINATION SLIP button
- The exam slip will automatically download to your device.
Note: In case you don’t understand any of the step just use the comment box below and you will be attend to without delaying.
The application is giving me an error message, what can I do
It may be the version of your phone is not compatible with the app
Download through the 2nd link