Federal Polytechnic Ede First Semester Result (Update)

As Students of Federal Polytechnic,Ede zestfully await the first Semester results,a source in the School today revealed that the board is working diligently to ensure that the results are processed while adding that the Semester results will not be release “anytime soon”, Naijaparry reports.

The source further disclosed that though ‘tommorrow is the deadline for online update of examination scores for all academic staff in the school yet the release of the results ‘not anytime soon’ adding that considering the fact that there will be departmental meeting,school board meeting,business commitee meeting and finally the academic board meeting before results becomes a public document.

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It is on this note that we warmly extend our welcome back greetings to all Student on campus even as we urge all to patiently await the results of the just concluded Semester examinations,with standard modalities being put in place by the Management to ensure all the results are transparent and accurate.

Similarly,as we resume back today we urge all to be of good conduct and put on the good emblem of the School.