Federal Poly Ede: Ban On School Fees Lifted

There are all indications that Federal Poly Ede, Student Union Government have lifted the ban placed on the payment of school fees of DPT, RPT as well as FT in the polytechnic.

A circular signed by Ajibade Q. A. SUG President, addressed to all students of the institution.

According to the circular, it read thus;


Solidarity greetings to you with all sense of humility and love from the the castle of peace, progress and the living spirit of the struggle.

We sincerely tender our heartfelt apology to over 10,000 armless and harmless battalions of our noble union for the delay and any inconvenience we might have caused as regards the school fees payment. We want to assure you that all our agitations were solely aimed at the development and ease of us all.

Eventhough, the increase we frowned at did not cut across all programs, yet we believe that ”an injury to one is an injury to all and an injury to all is an injury to one” and our ability to act in unity in times of struggle will further foster our sense of brotherhood and unionism.

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The student union was bewildered to notice some unnecessary increase and integration of fees in some programs such as HND1 (DPT & FT science) and RPT YR 2 & 3. HND 1 science students were charged a total sum of N1,500 for log book which we demanded that should be removed and that as been effected

The tuition fee of RPT students was increased from N11,000 to N23,000 although with a reasonable excuse but we demanded that the increase should not affect the existing students which have been effected. Now, I am glad to inform you that the total sum of 11,350 has been removed from the school fees of RPT students.

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Having satisfied our needs and attended to our demands, we would love to appreciate the management for the honour and consideration and hereby raise the ban on the school fees and advise all students to start their school fees payment with immediate effect.

Also, all freshers are advised to confirm their eligibility status at their departments before proceeding with their school fees payment. We wish you a happy new year and a happy resumption in advance.