Fed Poly Ede Student Union Pleads Management For Extension Of Exam Date

As students of Federal polytechnic Ede preparing for their forthcoming first semester examination which set to commence on 23rd of April, 2019.

Their is news on air in campus that the examination date is likely to be shift.

On confirmation of the news, an information revealed by president of the student union government (Com. SIWES) on his social media handle WATSAPP status shows that the student body are meeting with the management to plead for extension of the examination date.

Below is the screenshot of the status:

Also Com. Arolak from school of environmental studies disclosed to NAIJAPARRY that all the faculty presidents meet with the management yesterday concern the development.

READ MORE:  Akanu Ibiam Fed Polytechnic Postponement of EED 413 & EED 216

In his words he said

“With the meeting we had yesterday, the rector made us understand that our coming was late as he has no monopoly of power to shift the exam but only the school board. Unfortunately, today and Monday is public holiday.

“We r still hoping to having it shifted tho cos their is anoda meeting slated for today again….

“The outcome f the meeting will determine”

From NAIJAPARRY, we urge all students to keep preparing and not rely on if the exam will be shift or not.