“Don’t choose your life partner because you want to please society”-Ibidunni Ighodalo

Ibidunni Ighodalo, Ex Beauty Queen and wife of the General Overseer of Trinity House Ministries, Ituah Ighodalo shared her experience on making the right choice in marriage .

Ibidunni Ighodalo

Mrs Ighodalo focused on women as she advised them to choose a man that will lead them to God instead of one that can satisfy all of their desires.

She shared her experience of how her husband then had little compared to other men around her but he never gave up on her until she said yes.

Mrs Ibidunni Ighodalo wrote on her Instagram page:

“A lifetime choice!!!! When I was single I had a choice to choose between pleasing society or choosing a man I knew was leading me to God; they were worlds apart. To your friends and society, their expectations of your choice looks so good, well packaged and perfect for you yet the one you know will lead you to God is probably driving the oldest car amongst them, O Lord Ituah’s car was , as an ex-beauty queen, I used to ask myself kai Lord what will people say, I had the most handsome, comfortable friends on my case any one of them was ‘seemingly’ a perfect match, we would look absolutely perfect together hmmm….. on the other hand was Ituah who did not quite ‘fit’ into that ‘perfect’ societal mould….. CONFUSION!!!

I looked within and truly, apart from me running away from being a Pastor’s wife, I knew this man was the best choice for me, even days I asked him not to come look for me again, Ituah sent me prayers every morning, never gave up on me until I said yes!!! He shamelessly persisted and till date apart from us praying together, he lays hands on my head every morning to pray for me … The way Ituah loves me , he is my king the peace I have is priceless…. he did one thing right – he led me to God from day one genuinely…. Also read this: Policeman dies after jumping in well over transfer to Borno You have to be honest with yourself, no one is going to live with you, don’t choose your life partner because you want to please society choose him/her because he/she leads you to God and your values align….. #Choice #GodlySpouse #RightFit #InwardVsOutward #DontFallForSocietalPressure #LikeMinds #SameValues #SameBeliefs #ChooseRight #ImProudOfYourDecision”