Donald Trump Surrenders, Recognises Joe Biden As Incoming US President

Donald Trump has finally recognised Joe Biden as the President-Elect of the United States after encouraging his supporters to go to Capitol Hill during a heated speech where he claimed to have had the elections stolen.

After the violent storming of the Capitol by his supporters who delayed Joe Biden’s certification by Congress and which claimed the lives of at least four people.

A day after many of his supporters turned their backs on him, Donald Trump has finally recognised, for the first time since the November 3 election, that Joe Biden will be President of the United States on January 20.

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts confirm it, there will nonetheless be an orderly transition on January 20,” said Donald Trump.

“A new administration will be sworn in on January 20, and I will now focus on making sure the transition is orderly,” he added.

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In the video released Thursday night, the president read a statement from a teleprompter.

Donald Trump’s tone was completely different from that of the fiery speech he had delivered the day before to the thousands of demonstrators gathered in the morning at the Ellipse, south of the White House.

The outgoing president strongly condemned the rioters who entered the Capitol to sow chaos the day before.

Donald Trump began the video by calling the riot led by some of his supporters on Wednesday on Capitol Hill “a hate attack.”

He said he was outraged by the “violence” and “disorder” that manifested themselves Wednesday in the heart of American democracy.

However, Wednesday, he himself had encouraged his supporters “to march to the Capitol” to be heard by the senators, in a speech where he said he was never going to concede victory, a few hours before chaos now historical.

“The time has come for appeasement and reconciliation,” President Trump said Thursday evening, who nevertheless continues to believe that the elections were stolen from him.

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“My campaign vigorously pursues all legal avenues to challenge the results. My only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote and in doing so, I tried to defend American democracy,” he maintained.

In the video, he also claimed he immediately “deployed National Guard and federal peace officers” to secure the building and expel rioters from the Capitol which houses the House of Representatives and the Senate.