Donald Cline Biography, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Age, Children, Fertility Doctor, Family

Donald Cline is an infertility doctor from America. He remained famous for doing fraud with several patients. When he used to serve as a doctor he was famous in his town for providing 100 percent guaranteed results to his patients.

But his disbalance mind made him a victim of fraud which he did with his many patients.

Actually, he use to insert his sperm into his patients that came to him to get treatment related to fertility issues.

However, his fraud was proved in court earlier in 2017 when more than 50 kids came to know that they are having same DNA. But now in 2022, he is trending because of Netflix’s new documentary ‘Our Father’.

Donald Cline

Name:Donald Cline
Date of Birth:10 December 1938
Age:83 years
Wife:Audrey Susie
Occupation:Infertility Doctor
Net Worth:$250,000

Donald Cline Biography, Net Worth, Wife, Age, Children, Fertility Doctor, Family, Wiki

Donald Cline Biography

Donald Lee Cline (born December 10, 1938) is a former American medical doctor of obstetrics & gynecology, a United States Air Force veteran, and a felon. It is believed that between 1974 and 1987, Cline conceived numerous children without disclosing himself as the sperm donor to his patients. In 2017, he was convicted on six obstruction of justice felonies connected to a fertility fraud investigation. As of May 11, 2022, Cline has been confirmed as the biological father of 94 doctor-conceived offspring.

Donald Cline Early Life, Education

Cline received his undergraduate degree from Indiana University and his M.D. from Indiana University School of Medicine. After interning at IU Health Methodist Hospital, he served two years in the Air Force and 12 years as inactive reserve. In 1979, Cline opened his clinic on 2020 West 86th Street in Indianapolis and specialized in reproductive endocrinology & infertility. He practiced there until retiring in 2009. Following his felony conviction in 2018, Cline surrendered his medical license. He is prohibited from reinstatement by the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana.

Donald Cline Career

Donald Cline was so perfect in his work that he was famous for being the first person in India to perform laparoscopic surgery. One he also represented himself as a keynote speaker at the International Symposium for Infertility in Bologna, Italy.

With his years of practice, Donal Cline was also titled many times as the top doctor of Indianapolis.

While he was serving his patients he never sees time whether it is day or night but keeps on serving them and attending their calls even at the night. Donald has always treated his patients in a warming way.

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In 2014 when Jacoba Ballard, a daughter of a former patient of Dr. Cline, reviewed the results of her at-home DNA test, she discovered a biological connection to seven previously unknown half-siblings.[a] Her genetic genealogy research ultimately revealed Cline, her mother’s fertility doctor, as her biological father. Cline is now known to have covertly fathered at least 94 offspring.

Ballard filed a complaint with the Attorney General of Indiana who initiated an investigation in 2015. Then Indiana attorney general Tim DeLaney declined to prosecute because “there was no law forbidding Cline’s conduct.” Ballard then pursued media coverage. Fox59 anchor Angela Ganote investigated her story. During her investigation, Ganote learned that Cline had lied to the attorney general’s office in their investigation. Documents show that he had told investigators, “I can emphatically say that at no time did I ever use my own sample for insemination nor was I a donor.”

After a story aired on Fox59, Cline left a voicemail for Ballard contradicting what he had told investigators. “Uh, this is Dr. Cline, You know, I thought I was doing the right thing. I only donated my own sample nine or 10 times,” he said. He had placed the call to ask Ballard for help with damage control. “Um, my wife and I, uh, after 57 years of marriage, um, we have had a great deal of problems over this. She considers this adultery. I donated my sample. Gonna lose my wife. Our marriage will be over. Can you help?”

Ganote told DeLaney that Cline was lying to them. Ballard played the audio of the voice mail. The attorney general then conducted an independent DNA test. The results confirmed a 99.9997% probability of paternity. Charges were filed against Cline. In State of Indiana v. Donald Cline, Cline pleaded guilty to two Level 6 felony counts of obstruction of justice and received a one-year suspended sentence.

On November 30, 2016, Elizabeth White and son Matthew White filed a proposed complaint for damages and demand for jury trial with the State of Indiana Department of Insurance. The proposed complaint cites negligence, constructive fraud, battery, breach of contract, breach of express warranty, and negligent hiring or retention as to defendant and reproductive endocrinology associates. They then filed a multi-count complaint in Marion Superior Court. Cline’s motion to dismiss was denied. In an interlocutory appeal, a panel of Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court’s decision, finding that “Matthew sufficiently stated breach of contract and tort claims for which relief can be granted.”

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As of May 2022, Cline had paid out more than $1.35 million to settle three civil lawsuits filed by donor children and families. Three more are pending.[

Donald Cline Wife

Is Donald Cline still married? Donald Cline wife’s name is Susie and she has also received gynecological treatment from her husband Donald Cline. He was having two kids with his wife Susie and their name are Donna and Doug. His elder daughter Donna Stein has also worked with his father at his clinic as a Registered Nurse.

Donald Cline Net Worth

Donald Cline has an estimated Net Worth of $250k dollars.

Facts About Donald Cline

  1. Who is Donald Cline? He is an infertility specialist from Indiana who faced fraud charges of secretly inserting his sperm into his different patients.
  2. How old is Donald Cline? According to a recent survey, Donald must be passing from his 84th year of age.
  3. When was Donald Cline born? Mr. Cline was born in 1937.
  4. What happened with Donald Cline? After pleading guilty, he received a year of probation, paid a $500 fine, and lost his medical license (though he had retired in 2009)
  5. Why Donald Cline is famous? Cline is famous because Netflix has released a documentary based on the real-life story of Donald titled “Our Father.”
  6. How many children does Donald Cline have? Donald Cline inseminated dozens of women with his own sperm without their knowledge or consent during the 1970s and 1980s. He had an estimated 94 children.

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