Did You Had A Low JAMB Score? (Check How You Can Gain Admission With It)

Is your Jamb score not up to the cutoff mark for your Course or University?

Is your Jamb score very low and you don’t know what to do?

If you fall into one of the categories mentioned above, then we are going to guide you on how you can make your decisions so as to get admission into either a University, Polytechnic or colleges of education depending on your Jamb Score.

We are going to analyse different cases depending on the JAMB and the course or school the individual applied for.

How To Gain Admission With A Low JAMB Score Into A University

Case 1: Those that scored Less than 250 and applied for Medicine and Surgery.

This one is for those who applied to study medicine in the University but on checking their Jamb result, they scored lower than 250.

Fact: Any score less than 250 in this year’s Jamb may or can not get you admission to study medicine because of the high competition of those that applied for the course.

Advice : Do a change of course or a change of course and institution into a lower course and possibly a less competitive University which you can have more chances and high edge of getting admission.

Case 2: Those that scored more than 180 but less than 200.

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This is for those who applied for a course in the University but their Jamb score is less than 200 but they at least scored more than 180.

Advice : If you have the range of score above and you applied for a highly competitive course in the University, please do a change of course to a University that accepts 180 and to a less competitive course. Depending on the competition, it may be very hard to get admission into a University with a Jamb score of 180. But with that score, you have a high chance of getting admission into a Polytechnic of your choice. So you may increase your chances of getting admission by just doing a change of institution into a Polytechnic and forget about University.

Case 3: Those that scored less than 180 but more than 170.

This is for those whose jamb score could not meet up with the 180 requirement for
Universities .

Advice : You can’t get admission into any University with a Jamb score that is less than 180 but you can still get admission into a Polytechnic or a College of Education with that score. So, do a Change of Institution and course into a Polytechnic.

Case 4: Those that scored Lower Than 170 in Jamb but initially or currently applied to study in a University.

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Fact: No University or even Polytechnic (depending on the Competition) in the whole of Nigeria can admit any candidate who has a Jamb score that is less than 180 due to the high score that a lot of people are getting lately.

Advice: Please do a change of course and Institution to a College of education or perhaps just buy their form when it’s out on sale.

But if you don’t want to attend a college of education, you can wait till next Year or Perhaps go for a Private University.

That’s it guys on the advice concerning Jamb score breakdown. I do hope this will be very helpful and do please share this with others and help them as well.

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