David Badgley Cause of Death: What Happened To David Badgley?
David Badgley Death Cause: David Badgley from Southington, Connecticut, passed away due to an illness on July 18, with no official statement from his family yet.
The young man led a happy life with his family in Southington, starting his own business as an entrepreneur until his illness got the best of him.
David Badgley Cause of Death
Although the state or his family have not been any official statements about David Badgley’s death, sources claim that the young man had Leukemia.
Badgley was allegedly battling Leukemia for a long time, which caused his death on July 18.
Leukemia is a dangerous illness defined as a group of blood cancers that begin in the bone marrow, which results in high numbers of abnormal blood cells, causing bleeding and bruising, bone pain, and increased risk of infections.
Despite battling this severe illness, the young man tried his best to stay strong and come out of it alive, but sadly, he lost the fight.